Text Review: Moxie

Analysis of Moxie
The 2021 Netflix original movie Moxie, directed by Amy Pohler is a beautiful coming-of-age movie following the lives of young girls navigating their way through womanhood. Within the movie you watch the main character Vivian Carter go through many rapid changes that force her to take a dive deep within herself and push on new ideas to the rest of the female student body with her “zine” creation. The zine was started through Vivian’s self-discovery and reflection on her mother’s life when her mother was a political activist at Vivian’s age. The zine brought together the female students and uplifted them to take a stand for the misogynistic wrongdoings that occurred in their high school.
Moxie shows many characters from different religious, cultural, and gender backgrounds and their interactions with each other and allows the viewer to understand that even though all of these characters have their differences, at the core they share the same values. At the end of the movie, there is a scene where the student body walks out to stand with a victim of sexual assault. There are many characters that come together to express how they are different from each other but still stand with the victim. The expression of differences, along with certain misfortune different characters face due to the way they look can relate back to the information we have been taught over the semester with intersectionality.
As we have learned over the semester, intersectionality is the disadvantage a person can face due to differences in race, sexuality, class, and gender. In Persepolis, Marji was looked at differently due to where she was from, and the same can be said about the characters in Moxie. There were many points in the movie where the girls are not given the equal chances that the boys do at their school, and how deep-rooted misogyny is in their school’s culture. It is clear that Pohler wants the viewer to understand the importance of owning who you are as a person and taking a stand for what you believe in rather than allowing people to take advantage of you based on the way you look. I feel as if my classmates could look at this film and take away some points about self-realization as they follow through Vivian’s story. There is a lot of growth that comes out of her self-discovery that impacts the lives of the other students.

Moxie. Dir. Amy Poehler. Paper Kite Productions, 2021. Netflix. Web. 1 December 2021

Systemic Showcase

At the beginning of the semester I touched on a topic very near and dear to my heart, and that is the right that women have to their own bodies. A few months ago at this point, Texas lawmakers implemented strict abortion laws banning medical surgery after six weeks of pregnancy. At six weeks the “neural tube” begins to close and begins the formation of the spinal cord. The fetus at this point is the size of a tadpole and the creation of the heart will begin during the 7th week. There were many oppositions to the implementation of this bill but lawmakers still proceeded to carry on with implementation. Usually, women are unaware of the pregnancy until after two weeks of a missed period cycle, this would put the realization of pregnancy past the 6-week point. The law also does not have any grace for victims of rape or those who face pregnancies that will implicate health issues for the mother. The Law also allows the kin of the fetus to prosecute anyone who assists the mother with the surgery. A very similar law has recently been proposed in Ohio, but unfortunately, this law is way more extreme. If implicated, the law would completely ban all abortion access in Ohio and would again, allow the prosecution of whoever seeks the procedure. This law is called the 2363 Act, and I strongly urge you to sign the petition at the end of this post. These unruly laws that are being placed on women’s bodies in the name of “ProLife” remind me heavily of Ortiz Cofer’s “The Story of My Body”. Throughout the story, you navigate through Cofer’s life and see the moments where her body did not seem like her own. This may be when she is made fun of due to her appearance, or the over-sexualization of the way she looks while she is in college because she was deemed ‘exotic’. Other people’s opinions on Cofer’s body made her mind think differently of herself, and who is to say that is not how these laws are making women feel about pregnancy. The constant negative media attention of women pursuing abortions may steer other women away from the procedure and leave many children in terrible situations. If all abortions are completely banned, the rise of children in an already full foster care system would skyrocket, and the number of malpractice cases from unsafe abortion clinics would rise as well. Putting limitations on abortion after the first trimester is understandable, but the complete removal of a woman’s choice is uncalled for.

Link To Petition:

The Leavers vs. Gambling Addiction

Gambling Addictions
Throughout the story The Leavers written by Lisa Ko, you follow Deming/Daniel’s life following the ‘disappearance’ of his mother Polly. Like any child, Daniel does not take being tossed around from the house to house very well. We see this unfold through the first part of the book. Nearing part two of The Leavers, we discover Daniel’s gambling addiction and what pushes him to continue relapsing. Daniel knows he has a problem, like most people who suffer from a gambling addiction do, and the cause of his addiction could be argued to be extremely deep-rooted into his childhood. With the constant moving, Daniel experienced as a child, and the trauma of never feeling as though he was living up to the adult’s expectations in his life his peers from grade school, the instant gratification of winning money could be seen as a coping mechanism. Daniel faced a lot of trauma as a child with the constant “othering” concept demonstrated by his peers due to the way he looks, it is no wonder that Daniel would start to search for something to bring joy. When Daniel started to lose money and gamble away what was not even is his he soon realizes how deep-rooted his issue is and tries his hardest not to relapse, but somehow always seems to come back to square one. For a lot of people, this is how the gambling addictions cycle works.
Gambling addiction is defined as the uncontrollable urge to gable no matter the effect it has on one’s life. It is considered an addiction because gambling stimulates the reward system part of the brain, the same way that drugs and alcohol do. There are an estimated 2 million people in the United States that suffer from a gambling addiction and about 20 million in the world. Some people get into gambling for the desperate need of money when they are in tough situations, and once they start winning usually they get hooked. When people who partake in gambling start to win money, dopamine is released into the brain causing compulsive betting to further their winnings. In The Leavers you see this happening to Daniel as he starts playing online poker rather than paying attention to his studies.
Even though gambling addiction is extremely common, it tends to not be taken as seriously as drug addiction or alcoholism. Until 2013 gambling addiction was only seen as a compulsion and not as a mental illness as other addictions are considered. Due to the lack of education, people who experience this addiction often times end up in dark places because they never received the proper help. Many people who struggle with gambling addictions end up losing everything they own and declaring bankruptcy because they can not get enough of the thrill factors found in their winnings. Even though growing up Daniel did not have a steady support system, the unconditional love his adoptive parents showed is what kept him from turning into a statistic. He was obviously starting to end up in a dark place once he was expelled from school, but finally having that stability is what pushed him to be better. In real life, people often end up othering those who struggle with addiction. Those who fortunately are not struggling with some type of addiction look down on those who do and do not provide the help they need. You see in the end that Daniel having this support system and finally not being treated as other is what got him the help.

Source: Addiction Center