Text Review- Vogue Magazine (Harry Styles)

Hello Everyone!

Today for this text review assignment I have decided that I am going to be reviewing last years Vogue publication of Harry Styles being the first male artist to cover Vogue by himself and while wearing a dress doing it! I have decided to speak on this for our assignment because I wanted to talk about identity and the intersection it heavily entails with this Vogue magazine cover. Right away I am sure you can assume why there was uproar in media and controversy surrounding this picture because he was in a dress. Clothing is extremely important when you intersect it with one’s identity because people have the chance to express their true selves through what they choose to wear. Unfortunately, we live in a society that makes it extremely difficult for people to express themselves freely without fear of judgement. When I first saw the newly released cover I was beyond excited and thrilled to see a very mainstream male artist breaking clothing regulations for men. Although Harry Styles is known for being unapologetically himself and inspiring many people dealing with self-identity issues, it is thrilling to see one of the largest magazine publications making Harry the first male solo cover and topping it off with him wearing a dress! This was a very hopeful and inspiring moment for many people struggling with their self -identity and the people of the LGBTQ+ community. But of course, a group of people took to the media to condemn him for demasculinizing men. This backlash was completely directed at the femininity society has decided it symbolizes.

There is always negativity surrounding a change or perhaps a break in what society has expected for people. Clothing is absolutely not something that should define a person’s masculinity or femininity. When you think about it, clothing is just fabric. If it was possible as a society to completely strip away the gender connotations, that have been arbitrarily applied to clothing, they at the end of the day are just pieces of fabric being worn out of pure choice by people. I think it is extremely disheartening and repulsing that some men and women truly believe that Harry Styles is a threat to masculinity by wearing a dress. This example of clothing being regulated by society is something that intersects deeply with gender equality. There was a statement being thrown around after the cover was released saying that “we need to bring back manly men”. This relates directly to the societal standard that has been created for gender norms. Why is it a bad thing for men getting in touch with their feminine side, but it is a symbol of strength when we see a man walking down the street wearing a suit. This idea is further intersecting with discrimination against gay people and transgender people. I really believe this specific situation is a powerful example of how some people still view women as lower than men in society, if Harry Styles wearing a dress is considered “damaging” to our society.

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