Text Review: Serial Sara Koening

I choose to analyze the Podcast Serial by Sara Koening. Sara Koening is an investigative journalist who focuses to relook on trials that have had questionable outcomes. Serial is about a murder that took place of a girl named Hae Min Lee in the state of Maryland. The person who has been convicted of the murder is a man by the name of Adnan Syed, the ex-boyfriend of Hae Min Lee. Both people were together in high school around the late 1990’s, the time of Hae Min Lee’s disappearance and murder. The trial in the state of Maryland lasted for a couple of years with Adnan’s lawyer needing to be changed. He ended up in prison with a chance of parole and was looking to be reheard in March of 2019. Many investigative journalists have turned to his story because none of the clues line up nor do they make sense. It is believed to have been set up by Adnan’s best friend at the time who got led off of the hook. 

Injustice and power are shown in this podcast because of the legal system in the state of Maryland. Throughout the Podcast, it was shown that power was used out of control as Adnan was treated horribly through the investigation up until his sentence. People like the police and the judge were very aggressive when it came to evidence they ignored, the way they talked to him and treated him since day one. Sara goes on to expose many of the injustices that were shown in order to give Adnan a new chance at life. Adnan experience injustice mainly due to his skin color and belief, compared to the rest of the people in his county. It was shown that they wanted to press him with some type of charge because of the financial wellpoint his family was at compared to everyone else. 

This Podcast really opened my eyes to how messed up the legal system is at a young age. I first listened to this in my sophomore year of high school, and re-listened and followed it ever since.


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