Protecting Women’s Healthcare Rights- Dairy of Systemic Injustice Showcase 

This article depicts proposed Ohio bill banning abortion statewide. As the article says this proposed plan to eliminate legal abortions would not change the deadline in which one could receive an abortion, but would outlaw them all together. Additionally, this law would put those who “helped” aid in any abortion that takes place in legal hot water as well. This proposal is said to be even more extreme than the Texas abortion laws passes recently, which the most extreme law against the healthcare service to date. This is systemic oppression because it is the only healthcare act that is subject to such partisan debate. This would not only affect women but also a variety of other groups as well. This would affect organizations that support sexual health and general health as well. The legal consequences could go as far as to the the suppliers of the equipment used by medical personnel to administer an abortion. This is not just an attack on women and their bodily autonomy, but could threaten the health care system on a greater level as well. If this were to pass it would cause a ripple effect of issues for insurance agencies, manufacturers of medical equipment, gynecological practices and IVF clinics  The proposal allows for punishment of individuals that assist in the abortion taking place meaning rides hare personnel or public transit employees that take an individual to an appointment.


This link above is to a TikTok by Planned Parenthood Ohio discussing how Ohio Republicans are attempting to make these changes. One of the main things that representatives are trying to change is the definition of “person” in Ohio revised code to include fertilized egg. This language is important because it tries to make all pregnancies as black and white. You either have a person inside of you that you will carry to full term or you have committed a crime in ending a person’s life. The TikTok describes how they are meaning for this to carry the same weight for cases of rape and incest as well as ectopic pregnancies. This goes well beyond the “care for human life” because if it was about that we would not be endangering women carrying fetuses for any reason. In a case that a woman was going to die because of pregnancies the doctor must prove there was absolutely no other choice than to terminate the pregnancy for the woman to survive. This is problematic because it is creating more of a taboo around situations that women already struggle with. This is on par with telling a woman who miscarried that she is a murderer because she was unable to carry her child to full term. 


This is an urgent and on-going issue in Ohio that anyone and everyone should care about. There are actions that we all can take by contacting local representatives, donating or volunteering at places that create accessible sexual healthcare, and signing petitions to voices to protect women’s right to bodily autonomy.

3 thoughts on “Protecting Women’s Healthcare Rights- Dairy of Systemic Injustice Showcase

  1. I loved your presentation! When I saw the proposed abortion measures earlier this week I was sickened at the complete lack of respect many people in Ohio have for the healthcare of women. I was made more sick by the fact that it was my own state that proposed such measures. It reminded me of when Governor DeWine attempted to pass legislation preventing termination of a pregnancy after a heartbeat has been detected. Getting an abortion is a difficult enough decision for women to make already and there are plenty of sexist and unjust restrictions in place already so new laws such as this repulse me.

  2. Hi! Im really glad you choose to talk about this topic because as you menationed it is a bit taboo already. Abortion is seen as this terrible thing thats selfish and inhuman, a stigma that needs to be erased. Not only should women have the right to chose because its their bodies, men should have no right to say anything in regards to abortion because they will never have to carry a baby inside them. Period. This abortion ban is unconsititutional and i can say for a fact that just because one state bans abortions doesnt mean everyone will start having their babies, worse consequences will come from banning someone from getting to make a choice that soley effects their life.

  3. I applaud you for writing about such a controversial topic that needs immediate awareness brought to it! The government should not be able to make decisions on a women’s body. These laws being voted upon are terrifying for not only these generation but for all future generations to come. The fact that these laws could affect other organizations as mentioned is unacceptable. It is an awful situation to even have to consider but you did a great job of bringing awareness. I enjoyed reading what you had to write!

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