Welcome to CS1100!

Welcome to the CS1100: Introduction to the Humanities Blog (Au 21).

Hello, I’m Adrielys Calderon Ortiz and I will be your TA for this course during the semester. You are welcome to reach out to me by email (at calderonortiz.2@osu.edu) or through CarmenCanvas messages with any questions you may have regarding grades, discussing your topics, or concerns with assignments. It’s nice meeting you all (virtually)!

This blog will be a space to engage with your peers and to create a respectful and insightful learning environment. Remember to be respectful to each other in this learning space and Welcome again to the CS1100 Blog!

***As a side note, Calderon is the first of my two last names, not a middle name. As a Puertorican I use both my father’s and my mother’s last names.