Marshall | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere


The movie Marshall was based on a story of true events from Thurgood Marshalls young career as a lawyer. Marshall retails the story of an sexual assault case in the year of 1940 The State of Connecticut vs. Joseph Spell. The case about an African- American chauffer that was accused of raping Eleanor Strubing a wealthy white woman that was his boss. Thurgood was tasked to represent Joseph Spell and prove his innocence. Additionally, during the trial he was faced with obstacles that were created to hinder him to make the trial impossible for him to win.

In the movie there was one scene in the movie that showed injustices among both black and white communities. The scene that I want to talk about was when Thurgood Marshall first appeared to court and presented his application to to represent his client in the trial the judge denied his application and said that he could not speak at all during the trial. As a result, he made Sam Friedman an civil attorney be the clients legal defense. However, he was allowed to be present in the court room. This was an injustice because Friedman was lacked the experience to represent the client in this case, but Thurgood had the credentials for the legal representation. The judge denied the Thurgood Marshall for legal representation because of his race and the color of his skin. Additionally, this is an example of how even-though how white people used their power oppress black people regardless of the credentials they have obtained. They ended up wining the case and proving his innocents, but the issue was that since Friedman didn’t have the credentials for this case the judge believed that he could have advantage of making the trial unfair to prove the innocence of Joseph Spell.

I believe the movie was mad for us to see how big segregation and racism played a interictal part in court room trials. Additionally, it showed how African-Americans were viewed and still are viewed among the community today. Marshall was an inspirational movie that displayed how change can made among our community with wisdom and perseverance. It also displayed how one sided the judicial system can be when not challenged or judged fairly.



Susan Sontag’s Regarding the Pain of Others Week 15

They say pictures are worth a thousand words. The site of one image sometimes gives a person a full story during any situation. When we look any kind of photograph what are they trying to interpret and what do they tell us. First, they connect us to our past they remind us of people, feelings and stories. Secondly, they help piece together information that is essential to life that is difficult to understand, Lastly, they give us a beginning and lasting impression that presents judgement. When we walk through historical museums, we see much history about our worlds past and how ended up in the present. It gives us an order of events of how things happen and the effect that it has on our history.

Now in the 21st our history is recorded differently such as through social media. People can record anything from their touch screen phones and the whole world would be able to see it through a click of a button. Now with social websites such as Instagram, Facebook, and twitter people now see through someone’s else’s lens instead of their own. However, when we look at pictures, or social media, many people paint a picture of how they want us to see the story compared to how the story took place. Some people know how to create illusions that can trick the mind and the eyes to believe what ever is presented. In Regarding Pain for others she mentions “that there are many uses of the innumerable opportunities a modern life supplies for regarding—at a distance, through the medium of photography—other people’s pain” which I believe it means that people tend to use images as away to promote whatever is high demand of society without the understanding of the images.

Diary and Systemic Injustice- Kay Jewelers

Women are constantly experiencing many types of sexual harassment such as physical acts of sexual assault, requests for sexual favors, verbal harassment of a sexual nature, jokes of sexual acts, or sexual orientation in the workplace. Sexual harassment occurs in the workplace approximately 15,000 sexual harassment cases are brought to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) each year. Additionally, in 2016 the EEOC had released a study saying that 25 to 85 percent of women reported having experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. These numbers show how often women are repeatedly disrespected in professional settings and how they are sexualized in society. However, women not only face sexual harassment in the workplace, but they also face injustices of intersectionality such as equality, equal pay, and promotion blocks. Intersectionality is a term coined by Kimberle Crenshaw. It is a framework that describes how a person faces discrimination and oppression based on their gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and physical ability.

Kay Jewelers is a prime example of these harassment acts, but before I move on, I want to give you a summary of what happened in this injustice towards women. Sterling Jewelers Inc. is a parent company that runs Kay Jewelers, and Jared jewelry stores had suits from 69,000 current and former employees. One of the suits filed for wage and promotion discrimination. Some men received promotions over women that were more qualified for those positions. Also, some women received lesser wages than men that were in the same position. However, many of the suits involved women employees experiencing sexual harassment from male executives and employees. Women wrote explained in their reports that executives sometimes grabbed their bodies, propositioned them for sex, and kissed them without consent. Additionally, one lady was fired because she filed a complaint about an executive that tried to kiss and touch her.

These injustices show how women are sexualized and oppressed in the workplace. Men have been the patriarch for years and they continue to try to hold to their power over women. The fight for equality is a down and uphill battle at the same time because we make progress just to get set back. Women face these kinds of injustices every day and they are constantly being ignored. However, we are making strides to do better in our society, but we still have a long way to go.




“10 Big Issues Women Face at Work and What Leaders Can Do to Help – Catalyst.” Catalyst, 20 Feb. 2019, www.catalyst.org/2017/01/19/10-big-issues-women-face-at-work-and-what-leaders-can-do-to-help/.


Chatterjee, Rhitu. “NPR Choice Page.” Npr.org, 21 Feb. 2018, www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/21/587671849/a-new-survey-finds-eighty-percent-of-women-have-experienced-sexual-harassment.


Golshan, Tara. “Study Finds 75 Percent of Workplace Harassment Victims Experienced Retaliation When They Spoke Up.” Vox, Vox, 15 Oct. 2017, www.vox.com/identities/2017/10/15/16438750/weinstein-sexual-harassment-facts.


Hersher, Rebecca. “Parent Company of Kay Jewelers Accused of Wage Discrimination against Women.” NPR, 1 Mar. 2017, www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/01/517684117/thousands-allege-wage-and-promotion-discrimination-by-sterling-jewelers.