I’m sharing here the instructions (also found in Carmen) for the CS1100: Introduction to the Humanities Blog.
Assignments you will be submitting through the Blog:
1. Context Research Presentations (category: contextpresentations)
Every week, students will post a “Context Research Presentation providing some specific, in-depth context relevant to the readings for the week. You will sign up for the week they wish to present during Week One of the course, and post your presentation the Saturday prior to the start of the week. You will consult with your TA on your topic in advance to get ideas and ensure that contributors don’t overlap. Email your TA for topic approval early in the week before your presentation is due.
More information and details of the assignment are found in CarmenCanvas.
2. Expanded Sample entry of Diary of Systemic Injustices (category: diaryshowcase)
At the end of the series “Diary of Systemic Injustices” you will post an expanded sample entry from whichever you think is most interesting. This work has to have with additional analysis and media. The sample entry should 350 – 500 words approx. and include images or videos.
More information is available in the assignment description on CarmenCanvas.
3. Podcast “Yo, Is This…” Advice Column (category: podcast)
In this assignment you willoffer advice to a curious but less knowledgeable audience about an issue related to systemic injustice, structural power, or identity. It will be completed in groups of two or three. You are requiered to produce a transcript. Podcasts should be 8-10 minutes long and will be submitted and shared through the blog in MP3 format.
More information on the assignment is in the corresponding module in CarmenCanvas.
4. Final Project – Text Review (category: textreview)
Write an informal review of a text (book, film, TV series, album, or other piece of literature or pop culture). Through it you will be recommending it to your peers by connecting it with the most compelling concepts from our course. The informal review (+ representative images) will be approximately 350-500 words.
More information and details on the assignment can be found in CarmenCanvas.
**REMEMBER: Assignments for the Blog include discussion parts in addition to those found in CarmenCanvas. This is where students will further expand the topic being presented by fellow classmates and create a dialogue with each other as part of class participation. This is in addition to the assigned discussion participation for the modules in CarmenCanvas.
**Information from the Syllabus and CarmenCanvas Module “Assignments, Grading, and Instructor Communication”.