Systemic Injustice Showcase – The Story of April Mora

One story I would like to shed light on is the Story of April Mora. Her story is one of the many stories no one wants to read or hear about, but we must educate ourselves in order to understand what is truly going on in the world as well as the police system. April Mora was a member of the LGBTQ community as well as a minority. April Mora was nothing more than your average girl who was one day walking the street before her life changed forever. She was jumped on the street by two men who have not been identified and may never be brought to light or found by the police department. After the men did a horrifying thing to this woman’s body, they justified their actions by saying “you’re lucky we hadn’t raped you” as if that is comforting. When in reality no matter what those men said afterwards she will have a  forever scar on her skin of the pain she endured. These two men put a razor to her skin and carved the word “dyke” onto her body. The police officers who were sent to help her did not show any signs of sympathy or even believed her story, instead they questioned her identity. April was only a gay minority, probably trying to live her life as normal as possible. The officers did not go looking for the two men right away, in my opinion, they made sure and tried to find every way possible to find a reason to make it look as if she put herself in this traumatic experience. They asked her questions if she had gotten into a fight with her girlfriend before asking her what the two men looked like or were even wearing.  April Mora’s story is still a story that needs to be told and shared online more. Although this happened in 2002, her full story is still nowhere to be found. The world wide wide web was available back then, which means more media coverage could have been done about it. This story was injustice at it’s finest because if this were to happen to someone other than a gay minority there would have been more coverage on this event and the two men would have probably been found right away.

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