They say pictures are worth a thousand words. The site of one image sometimes gives a person a full story during any situation. When we look any kind of photograph what are they trying to interpret and what do they tell us. First, they connect us to our past they remind us of people, feelings and stories. Secondly, they help piece together information that is essential to life that is difficult to understand, Lastly, they give us a beginning and lasting impression that presents judgement. When we walk through historical museums, we see much history about our worlds past and how ended up in the present. It gives us an order of events of how things happen and the effect that it has on our history.
Now in the 21st our history is recorded differently such as through social media. People can record anything from their touch screen phones and the whole world would be able to see it through a click of a button. Now with social websites such as Instagram, Facebook, and twitter people now see through someone’s else’s lens instead of their own. However, when we look at pictures, or social media, many people paint a picture of how they want us to see the story compared to how the story took place. Some people know how to create illusions that can trick the mind and the eyes to believe what ever is presented. In Regarding Pain for others she mentions “that there are many uses of the innumerable opportunities a modern life supplies for regarding—at a distance, through the medium of photography—other people’s pain” which I believe it means that people tend to use images as away to promote whatever is high demand of society without the understanding of the images.