Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase: Oppression of Uyghur Muslims

Systematic injustices happen all around the world. A post on Instagram I came across recently was about Uyghur Muslims being mistreated by the Chinese government. It talked about how a place in China called Xinjiang is a concentration camp where Uyghur Muslims are held against their will. The article on the post then mentioned that a million Uyghur Muslims are imprisoned and put under religious restrictions by abstaining from fasting, forcing them to drink alcohol, and eating pork. Under the Chinese government, they fall victim to sexual assault, sterilization, and rap.

Statistics showing different concentration camps in Xinjiang, China where Uyghur Muslims are held.


The article and treatment of Uyghur Muslims represent an example of systematic injustice that is happening globally, as the Chinese government is stripping a group of people’s identities and torturing them as they hold them in concentration camps. Their idea of thinking that is okay to force one to do everything against their belief, take them away from their families, and abuse them. Not to mention all these abuses and torturing that could contribute to causing psychological trauma and mental distraught towards Uyghur people, their families, and loved ones. It could also cause them to turn away from their religion due to fear and escaping torture which confuses their identity. These higher powers should be the ones making policy to abolish such treatment does not normalize it and play a role in this injustice activity. All these factors represent forms of systematic injustice that are contributed globally to our society.

The treatment of Uyghur Muslims falling in the hands of the Chinese government is an example of the concept of “othering” or Spivak’s subaltern as these Uyghur people’s voices are shut and their rights stripped from them. The Chinese government won’t allow them to express their religion as they are prevented from praying. This shows the Chinese government as the One and the Uyghur people as the other whose voices are not heard and considered and tortured if they talk or share their opinions. This injustice is opening eyes to other countries like the United States who considers as an act of genocide towards the Uyghur Muslims and obstruction of human rights. This awareness by the United States and other countries could be an opportunity to help end systematic injustice in Xinjiang, China.







An image symbolizing Uyghur Muslims as voiceless people.

Maizland, Lindsay. “China’s Repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang.” Council on Foreign Relations, 1 Mar. 2021, www.cfr.org/backgrounder/chinas-repression-uyghurs-xinjiang.

Shesgreen, Deirdre. “The US Says China is Committing Genocide Against the Uyghurs. Here’s Some of the Most Chilling Evidence.” USA TODAY: Latest World and US News – USATODAY.com, 2 Apr. 2021, www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/politics/2021/04/02/is-china-committing-genocide-what-you-need-know-uyghurs/7015211002/.

Dooley, Ben. “Inside China’s Internment Camps: Tear Gas, Tasers and Textbooks.” AFP.com, 30 Jan. 2019, www.afp.com/en/inside-chinas-internment-camps-tear-gas-tasers-and-textbooks.



One thought on “Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase: Oppression of Uyghur Muslims

  1. This is a very well done and thorough showcase presentation. I agree with your statements about how the Uyghur Muslims are considered the Other. The Subaltern can not speak whatsoever. If they do, more torture will be inflicted upon them. China’s crimes against innocent humanity need to be stopped. This is much more easily said, than actually done. Furthermore, I personally don’t think it is enough for the United States to simply “consider” this an action that strips away human rights. We are talking about the Uyghur Muslims’ livelihoods at stake.

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