Thinking about the topics we have discussed in the recent weeks, I noticed focuses a lot on immigration and who those people are, where they came from, or maybe even what they look like. This specific topic that I want to talk about can relate to the short story we read in class, “The story of my Body”. It relates in the way that these people are being victimized and looked at differently just because they aren’t considered to look “normal”. Right before starting my classes for the day, I was scrolling through Tik tok and I came a crossed a very interesting video and this ordinary man was being discriminated because of his race and was being accused of an illegal immigrant. Lately I have noticed a lot of similar videos popping up and really, they are being pulled over for no reason, but just because they look a certain way are being discriminated for it. In this specific case, Grant, was pulled over while he was driving his work van and the cop proceeded to ask him if he had any illegal substances in his vehicle, to which he responded no. the cop then preceded to asked if he would mind if he searched his car. Grant decided to say no because he has a right to do so and he wanted to get back on the road for his job. Grant was Hispanic, but just because he was in a white van and on the highway, the cop was assuming things just because of his race, which is how I viewed this as a systemic injustice. The video ended in the cop detaining Grant and a K9 was brought to do a search, but with no surprise nothing was found. Like I said previously, immigration has been a big topic at least from what I have seen in the last couple of weeks and how people are being victimized of it just because of how they look. I see many other cases just like this one of people being pulled over and being accused of something based off their race. Like I said previously this reminds me on certain concepts in “The story of my Body” in regards to being treated differently for being “different”.
Mistaken Detainment, Racial Profiling, and Discrimination: How ICE Fails to Protect Communities
I have also noticed injustices like this more often, and I think we have our modern technology to thank for that. I think that people are starting to film more things like what happened to Grant in order to “give proof” to the world that events like these are occurring. Like what Polly went through in the Leavers when she, along with her other inmates, tried to get the attention of the media and what was happening to them in the immigration camps, they wanted to prove to the world that they were being treated in a non-humane way. They were beaten for their actions, which only goes to show that the guards, along with the people that run the immigration camps, know how poorly people were being treated. This connects back to what you talked about with people being treated differently simply because they look different. It boils down to the concept of othering that we have discussed tremendously in this class. Immigrants, people who don’t “look white,” and anyone that is perceived to be non-American in the US are othered from white US citizens, simply because they don’t fit the “norm.” Its a systemic problem that starts with people creating prejudices against those that don’t look like them, which later manifests into laws, whether explicit or implied, that discriminates against the minority.
Stories like these are becoming way too common. The racial profiling in this country, while considerably lower now than at most parts in US history, is still way too prevalent. When I hear stories like these, I think back to the reading by John Lewis and how he worked to limit these types of events from occurring. This can also be related to King’s definition of systemic injustice and how it differs from cultural injustices. I would say the prevalence of these events make them systemic injustices While stories such as George Floyd’s, Treyvon Martin’s and many others who have lost their lives to racial profiling get the most attention, its the seemingly smaller interactions like the one Grant experienced that mostly goes unreported by the media. It is important to know these events keep taking place so we can try and change the system that keeps perpetrating these injustices.
I’ve also seen so many news stories and videos relating to this topic as well. This once again comes back to police brutality and the use of the power they have being used for evil. This is something so important and everyone should feel safe especially around the police who are meant to protect. It’s obviously apparent this is a racially motivated scenario and men and women of color are being taken advantage of due to this long lasting bias.
I agree that I have seen many videos and read many stories about this too. With all the social media in our society today, I think we are all more exposed to these stories and there are a lot more platforms for people to get their voices out there. However, I think sometimes social media can spin a story to alter the way a person is portrayed or to justify their actions, which unfortunately is common with videos and posts about police injustices and brutalities. I think their bias can be protected by the way the video is portrayed, so it is reassuring to hear that in your case, you were able to see that Grant was in did innocent and was victim to judgement based on his appearance and the car he drives for work.