Text Review – American Factory

American Factory is a short investigative documentary about a Chinese auto-glass company that opens up in a previously abandoned factory in Dayton, Ohio. Fuyao Glass America is the American expansion of a Chinese company that is trying to expand into America. They opened up in the old General Motors plant located in Moraine, Ohio, a neighboring city of Dayton. The area fell into hard times when the plant closed in 2008 when the recession struck. This greatly affected the local economy of both Dayton and Moraine because the plant offered well-paying jobs to the many workers that were employed, and they were unionized. When Fuyao acquired the factory in 2014, people were grateful to have the factory reopened but they would soon learn that Fuyao had different ways of doing business. In order to get the glass-making process going, Fuyao brought over some of their top-employees from China to teach the American workers how to do their new jobs. Overall, the American workers loved the company of their new mentors. Some even considered the Chinese mentors to be family, similarly to how all the workers would get along in the old days when GM was running its operations there. Some American workers invited the Chinese workers over for dinner and other friendly activities. The relations between both workers were very good.


On the other hand, the management saw the American workers as very lazy and having bad work ethics. This is mostly based on the difference in work cultures between China and America. When the documentary followed a trip for a few American workers back to Fuya0’s headquarters in China, they got to see the work ethic that the Chinese management desired. The workers there were extremely disciplined, they had daily briefings in the style of military regiments where they saluted their bosses. The workers also had much longer shifts such as twelve hours a day, seven days a week, with only one or two days off during the whole calendar year. This came as a culture shock to the American workers. However, the Chinese workers did not seem to be bothered by their work and shared about how grateful they were to even have those few days off. On the other hand, the American workers were trying to Unionize at Fuyao to get benefits that the Chinese workers in the Chinese Mainland could never expect to get due to their labor laws. This shows how the Chinese government has othered its own population. They have indentured the people into a form of slavery that they know they have no way of escaping. However, they just see it as normal because that is normal in China. While it is hard to say that the Chinese population knows about their role, the ruling class knows that it is, and they keep the population from finding out otherwise. It is unfortunate that this industrial master-slave relationship has developed and it will be very hard for it to be changed in the future. Overall, American Factory is a very unique look at a very unique collaboration of cultures. It shares both the positives and negatives of this situation, but the documentary does have an overall negative undertone due to Fuyao’s shady business practices, by American standards. It shows how both American and Chinese workers have much in common but they are not given the same liberties. This documentary gives hope to the viewer showing that peoples are not evil, but rather the ruling classes that dominate them. On the other hand it shows the disparities of human rights that some people have to experience, simply because of where they were born.



Context Presentation – Religion in India and Pakistan – Week 12

This week we will be taking a look at Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri which covers stories about Indians in America and India. In order to better understand their stories, perhaps it would be helpful to talk about some of the belief systems to gain a perspective of Indian culture.


India is home to many religions; its current makeup includes a majority of Hindu’s with a much smaller number of Muslims. Beyond that India is also home to an even smaller number of Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jains (Kramer). Therefore, India is a very diverse nation of different beliefs.


Not too long ago the geographic area in and around current India was partitioned into different nations in 1947. Originally it was partitioned into India and Pakistan, but Pakistan has since been divided into two separate nations: Pakistan and Bangladesh (“The Partition”). These divisions of nations did not happen easily or peacefully. The initial partition of India and Pakistan was not done by the people who lived in those respective regions but rather by the previously ruling British. Therefore, the partitions caused serious problems in the area. Many of these problems related to the religious and cultural differences between people. As a result relations between India and Pakistan are still very tense. India is mostly Hindu while Pakistan is mostly Muslim (“The Partition”). This has caused problems due to members of both religions living in both nations. Although, it is incredibly important to understand that these tensions are not because people of different religions cannot get along, it is that the partitioning of India and Pakistan was not carried out by natural citizens. Perhaps if the partitioning was done more considerably to the cultures of the people of the region, then these problems would not be problems today. Or at the very least, much less severe.




Kramer, Stephanie. “Key findings about the religious composition of India.” Pew Research Center, https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/09/21/key-findings-about-the-religious-composition-of-india/Accessed 4 November 2021.


“The Partition of India: What Happened?” British Broadcasting Corporation, https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/46428985. Accessed 4 November 2021.

Systemic Injustice – Underage Drinking

For my systemic injustices showcase I want to cover a type of systemic injustice that college students face when it comes to underage drinking. The reason that I want to dive into this situation more than I already have on my original post is because there is so much more to be discussed.


When it comes to underage drinking at universities, it is inevitably going to happen to some degree due to the synonymous relation that alcohol has to college party atmospheres. While it is not always the case that every student will engage in this behavior, most will be presented with the opportunity to drink at some point. And depending on how large the university is, the more likely that students will find themselves having to make this situation.


While universities, including OSU, have a clear policy regarding underage drinking they only limit its influence on students in certain scenarios. For example, drinking is pretty well controlled in campus dorms at OSU because of RA’s and building managers who take the situation seriously. When it comes to students getting caught with alcohol in on-campus dorms, the university already has a policy in place that allows students to make the mistake once or twice and only get a slap on the wrist. Usually this allows students to find out the seriousness of the situation without getting into serious trouble as a result. However, underage drinking becomes a problem for college students when they engage in this at an off-campus setting, such as a bar. In these locations, the university is no longer responsible for the student, but rather the local law enforcement. The only problem is that law enforcement treats underage drinking with more serious punishments. Students can be arrested and find themselves having to spend several days in jail because most underage drinking arrests happen on the weekend and county arraignments for cases usually only occur on weekdays. Beyond this, students will likely have to go through a court trial which can give them a criminal record, depending on if they are found guilty, and what the court decides to issue as punishment. Therefore, a criminal record can affect a student’s ability to stay in college because universities are not super tolerant to students with criminal records. While it is not expressly the universities legal obligation to stop students from engaging in off-campus drinking, they should be held responsible to some degree. Universities need to better educate their students so that they can truly understand that underage drinking can have serious, debilitating consequences. And they need to do this so that students do not have to find out the hard way.


Here is a reference from a law firm that shows serious penalties for using fake ID’s in Ohio. https://www.patitucelaw.com/blog/2017/december/what-you-need-to-know-about-ohio-fake-id-laws/


It is also worth noting that university relations with law enforcement need to be better. Universities need to delegate with law enforcement so that they can work together to try and limit the problem without punishing students who may not know better. It may also be better if universities can offer more legal resources to students so that they can know their local laws. Afterall, local laws can vary between states, cities, and even countries. Therefore, this could suggest that international students and out of state students may find themselves even more in trouble because they may not know the laws of the region as well as regional students.

Here is Ohio State’s official policies for underage drinking relating to off-campus and on-campus locations.https://studentlife.osu.edu/documents/policy-final-alcohol-and-other-drugs-20210719.pdf


Due to this systemic injustice, both universities and law enforcement agencies can other the same students that they are legally required to serve. Law enforcement agencies, especially, have tendencies to form “us against them” mindsets when it comes to enforcing laws. This type of mentality is dangerous because it effectively puts students into other status since the people who are supposed to be protecting them are actually preying on them and simply waiting for them to make a wrong move. This can be seen through the use of undercover agents. All in all, universities need to understand that their students are vulnerable and naïve. Instead of othering them, they need to better protect them.