Text Review


The Farewell is a film based on a real story that happened on the director. It’s Chinese name is Don’t Tell Her. The movie showed the different ideas of Asian Americans and Asians about family and death. The Farewell is a story about a Chinese American family whose grandmother had terminal cancer, but she did not know that she got the disease. The family members came back to Changchun to live with grandma form Japan and America, though they did not tell this thing to the main character Billi, she flied back to China by herself and found it out. The whole family chose to hide the truth and lie to the grandmother, they planned a wedding for the grandson as the reason they all game back to the hometown and live with grandmother. But Billi, a Chinese American spent most of her time in USA but grew up with grandmother in China when she was young, thinks that the family should tell the truth to the grandmother.

The movie talks about the cultural differences between the East and the West. Western countries usually have an individualistic cultural orientation, and Eastern countries usually have a collectivistic cultural orientation. Which also made the cultural identity and belongingless a hard thing for Billi. For example, in the movie, Billi is a very independent person. Since she lived in America for many years, her views are influenced by American culture, she thinks grandma has the right to know her illness. But since she also grew up in China,  she is not entirely American thinking. When she first came back to China, she may feel many differences from what she experienced many years in Ameriba, but she still familiar with many things. In some aspects, she is still used to the Chinese culture. Therefore, she did a lot to help the family finish the lie and understand their thoughts at the end. Also, there are many plots and ideas in the filmto representing the cultural differences. Also, at the dinner table, family members argue about whether it is worth emigrating to the United States, whether the American dream is true, and whether they want to send their children to the United States to study.

The whole movie tried to express the cultural  conflicts for Billi, and the problem of cultural identities for Chinese Americans. It also reflects the identity barriers of Asian Americans. Chinese Americans may feel lonely since they cannot integrate into the American society. For the young Chinese Americans, they still face the problem of cultural identity and cultural belongingness. This movie do showed a fact that Asian Americans cannot 100% westernization. They still have puzzle about cultural identity since behind them there is a background of long history and blurred definition and expressions about hometown.

Diary of Systemic injustice showcase: Injustice for Lesbians

Sexual minorities are marginalized groups which is “other” compared to most people, and usually suffer systemic injustice. This is even worse for lesbians, they are even the “subaltern” in their community. This situation has been continued for a long time, despite the efforts of many people, it is still common in China.

The word “gay” was first used to define most queers, and then the word GLBT came out. At that time, they are ignored in the LGBT group compared to gays, and they are treated unequal. Which also made the separatism appeared among the LGBT group. However, it later changed to LGBT, to honor what lesbians did during the “AIDS crisis”. They help to take care of the patients, and also gave their blood. But until today, lesbians are still ignored by most people. Particular in China, lesbians often get seldom benefits from affirmative actions.


In China, gay men are bolder and gained more power.  Lesbians, on the other hand, tend to be hidden in the crowd and their voices are rarely heard.  For example, I knew at least dozens of gays in my high school, some of them even told everyone this thing, but I didn’t know even one lesbian. Also, there are many gay bars in my city, but I have never heard of a lesbian gathering place. For example, most Chinese people are not as receptive to lesbians as gay men, not online but in reality.

More data showed the real situation and the systemic injustice for lesbians. Because of the male privilege, gays usually face less pressure than lesbians. Because of lesbians complicated identities, even they get a job, they may face much more discriminations while working. If the man in a normal marriage earns 1 dollar, the man of a gay marriage earns $0.98, but the woman of a lesbian marriage earns $0.78. Census data also showed that the average income for a lesbian family is much less than a gay family, which is $100000 compared to $130000. All these represent the harder situation for women and the injustice they may face.


I think lesbians face systemic injustice first because they are minorities. They are different from most people, defined as “other”, so treated unequally. But at the same time, they are “subaltern” in that “subaltern group”. I think it’s because they’re still “female”. Since in the gendered society, woman is still the “subaltern”. This situation happens even in sexual minorities.  If we want to change the systemic inequality, we must first change the current situation of systemic injustice for women caused by the biological division of the gender.





Pride Month: 12 key numbers highlighting the economic status, challenges that LGBTQ people face, https://www.nbcnews.com/know-your-value/feature/pride-month-12-key-numbers-highlighting-economic-status-challenges-lgbtq-ncna1231820




Context Presentation – The history of Parkstani in America (week 13)

The novel The Reluctat Fundamentalist is writen by Mohsin Hamid, which is a Pakistani. The novel is about a Parkistani man telling his story in America to an American. When we are reading the novel, we need to know the history of Parkistani in America and especially what they experienced after 9/11.

In 1947, Pakistan is independent and seperated from British India. But actually there were already Muslim immigrants from the region that of the Parkistan now and India. They used to work in agriculture, logging, and mining in the United States. After that, there are some groups of people came to America in different time and did different work such as building the Western Pacific railway in California. After they earned some money, some of these people came back home, but some stayed in the USA. After 1970, the number of Pakistanis came to the United States sharply increased, and they are usually well-educated.  These families still retained many traditional culture customs now. And Just like many Indian American families, though there are some differences of people in the Pakistani American community, Pakistani American families are usually conenected tightly. For the early immigrants, usually just men are educated, which means that they get the only income of their families. But now most Pakstani American families would provide equal education chances and are encouraged to study.

Most of the Pakistani came to America for their American dream, and them followed the mantra that “work hard you will prosper,” and they did earned what they supposed to get. American dream for these Pakistani is to get a stable job, just like James Adams said. “That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement.” But this is something Pakistani can think about before 9/11. After 9/11, American dream is no longer close to Pakistani Americans. The American dream now gets iced by “democratic capitalism.”

After 9/11, the life for Pakistani in America changed. Because of their names, appearances, and resumes, they are treated unequally and had a lower status. Many Pakistanis were put in the prison because of just minor offences, and some of them got deported. Just like the article said, “Flown back to Pakistan dressed in orange jump suits that prisoners wear with their hands shackled was a humiliating sight for them and their families who came to the airport to get them.” Many Pakistani in America lost their friends, and they were called terrorists. After 9/11, hate crimes to Muslims in the USA dramatically increased. At that time, Pakistani in the United States had a hard time and lost a lot, and many people chose to came back to Pakistan.

Today, many Pakistani Americans still can feel the negative impacts of 9/11, and face many discriminations.


“Parkistani Americans”, Countrie and there cultures, https://www.everyculture.com/multi/Le-Pa/Pakistani-Americans.html

“View from US: The desi dream”, DAWN, https://www.dawn.com/news/734429/view-from-us-the-desi-dream

“‘Under the prism’: Muslim Americans reflect on life post-9/11”, ALJAZEERA, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/9/under-the-prism-muslim-americans-reflect-on-life-post-9