Text Review

The text review I chose to focus on is from a movie called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, which is about a Jewish boy growing up in a concentration camp in Germany.  This touches on the injustices of racism, we could also look at it as a form of “othering”.  Even though this was a fictional single story, it was a powerful one and left people wanting to learn more about the marginalization of Germany.

I can remember when I was a young girl and my brother was showing me pictures of mounds and mounds of dead bodies, bodies in wheelbarrows, bodies lined up on dirt ground.  Stripped naked and lifeless black and white Polaroid’s. He had explained to me our great grandfather had given them to our father and it was a part of the holocaust.  I don’t know that I was ever so stunned before in my life, I remember feeling so sorry and hearing him tell me they all died because they were Jewish and the leader Adolf Hitler was worshiped over and all the Germans did as he said, they even had their own special solute for this particular leader.

As we have learned over this course the different cultures, intercultural relationships, Identity, injustice, races, religious backgrounds and what all of this looks like when wrapped up in the power of the wrong hands, in this case it cost many lives of humans that did not look a particular way.  Adolf started out life in a lower socioeconomic class and grew threw becoming a German soldier then socialist group leader for an organization abbreviated Nazi.  He claimed to want to lead the Aryan race to world supremacy, which he attempted to do so through dictatorship and was able to do so for 11 years.  The Nazis grew larger and overtook the Jews where they were forced to work or die mostly by gas chambers, many starved to death.  We read something similar to this with a single story of Marjane Satrapi and the struggles they were facing if they did not agree with the new government. Injustices like these force people to migrate for a better life, I can remember being a young nurse, 20 years ago, I sat with a patient who had numbers tattooed on his arm, he explained it was from the holocaust and he was so very lucky to escape and start fresh right here in Columbus Ohio. His story was intriguing explaining the identity crisis he had when first moving here and feeling guilt for making it out. He claimed prior to this his nationality was thick and now he has had to restart a new life, he said he fit in fairly well however he did have mass intercultural encounters that made him feel so lonely until he met his wife.

So what I am trying to show here is even though multiple levels of immigration and culture shock existed it was not as unbearable as his dictatorship ran country that starved/gassed their people for not looking a certain way.



History.com Editors. (2020, August 3). Hitler becomes dictator of Germany. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/hitler-becomes-fuhrer

Katznelson, I. (2017, October 3). What America Taught the Nazis in the 1930s. The     Atlantic.https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/11/what-america-taught-the-nazis/540630/


During the recent news they have had talks of refugees seeking asylum from Afghanistan, in our recent weeks we have been discussing the Iranian revolution and learning of one girl that left her home country for multiple reasons and will not return due to fear. I wanted to take a look into some issues that are surrounded around these matters which lead me to one particular issue concerning injustice refugees face, Health Inequity.  When someone is wanting to flee their home country for safety the last thing they should have to face is being denied. Unfortunately, this is a common theme, applicants are limited and must meet a criteria.  This criteria is typically objective and if you have any mental health issues it may be very difficult to express your story clearly, and in some cases between translation and unable to fund a private representative they are denied. In other instances when it is more of a physical illness maybe they won’t have to express objectively so much and would be able to be granted asylum easier however, this is just no easier.  In most cases people have to wait extended amounts of time and jump through multiple hoops while being homeless and unable to care for themselves will leave them often missing deadlines and unable to complete the request. The US policies have only become increasingly more difficult for anyone seeking to be granted asylum let alone ones with health issues.  This needs to be fixed before anyone else is harmed or dies while seeking asylum.  I think the UN will have to assist in helping to make this synonymous, we need to become more involved in what the less fortunate are going through because they were born in another country, and the legalities system needs adjusted to be able to allow these people a simpler and quicker by making it less adversarial.

Upon further research for this topic, I have found that within the past few weeks the White House has made changes to assist refugees who have recently fled Afghanistan from the recent Taliban take over. This is a resettlement program for the Afghan people to help them get a better and quicker start with their new lives. This program will allow for private sponsors and will also widen the location of where the refugees will be allowed to reside. This article goes into more detail for anyone interested. This is exactly what I had previously listed as my thoughts on one way to help right this wrong.

Members of the U.S. military and Afghan refugees play soccer at Ft. McCoy US Army base on September 30, 2021 in Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin.





Alvarez, P. C. (2021, October 23). White House to allow Afghan refugees to be sponsored by private citizens – CNNPolitics. CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/23/politics/afghan-refugees-private-resettlement-veterans/index.html

Mousin, C. B. (2021, February 1). Health inequity and tent court injustice. Journal of Ethics | American Medical Association. Retrieved October 21, 2021, from https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/health-inequity-and-tent-court-injustice/2021-02.


The Complete Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi (wk 7)

The complete Persepolis, a novel of Marjane Satrapi which is internationally acclaimed has not won over the hearts of all.  Why the author is telling her truth to what the Iranian revolution became to be through her eyes some found this offensive and accused her of Islamophobia.  In Iran this novel was denounced and although Satrapi was not exiled she has concerns of being arrested if she were to ever return to her home country.

Iran has not been the only country Satrapi has had conflicts with her novel.  In America this has been seen as a controversial graphic novel.  Specifically in the public-school systems.  Some school officials declared it to be inappropriate for students, more so in Chicago public schools, where it was ordered to be removed from classrooms.  It became a protest which turned this ban into a “book that was just unsuitable for seventh graders because of its graphic language and images”.  Marjane Satrapi has never been a stranger to conflict.



Billet, A. (2013, March 26). Banning Persepolis? SocialistWorker.Org. https://socialistworker.org/2013/03/26/banning-persepolis

Esfandiari, G. (2010, August 7). Interview: Marjane Satrapi. Foreign Policy. https://foreignpolicy.com/2010/07/08/interview-marjane-satrapi/

Satrapi, M. (2007). The Complete Persepolis (Media tie-in ed.). Pantheon.