The show Glee is full of different encounters of people with different cultures and identities. Every character represents a different part of society, and their interactions are both positive and negative. Specifically, the 6th episode of the 2nd season entitled “Never Been Kissed” provides a perfect example of people with different identities. One of the main characters, Kurt, is gay and is the only person that has “come out” at his school. Therefore, some students treat him differently than most of the other students. One character, Dave, specifically bullies him. Dave and his friends target Kurt, push him into lockers, make mean comments, and it makes Kurt very uncomfortable. Bullying should never be tolerated, but it escalates to the point where Dave threatens to kill Kurt. Clearly, the situation reaches a terrifying level, which is unacceptable.
This episode provides an example of people with different sexual orientations interacting. Because Dave did not accept that Kurt was “different” than the other students, he was bullied. Dave should be more accepting but uses his biases to make Kurt feel like an “other”. Even further, he makes Kurt feel like a “subaltern” because he feels that he can’t step up and has no voice. Because of this, students at his school view Kurt as an “other” as well because of how segregated he is.
By watching Glee, and specifically this episode, the audience may wonder why Dave treats Kurt this way, and how it can apply to society as a whole. More often than not, people react negatively when they are unfamiliar with a certain idea. In this case, Dave had never met someone who identified as gay, and he used that as an excuse to treat Kurt poorly. This does not mean Dave was in the right — bullying under any circumstance should never be tolerated. However, it does give insight into the way many people in our society, unfortunately, think and act. Dave feels superior as he is on the football team and fits in with most students at school. He uses this power to act superior towards Kurt, thus making Kurt feel alone and inferior. Being one of the only gay students at school is tough enough, as it is hard to find others to relate to, and not being accepted only makes the situation worse. Unfortunately, bullying and injustices like this occur regularly throughout society, and people should be more thoughtful and check their biases before acting on them.
(Here, Kurt is on the left, and Dave is on the right).