Text Review- The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead - Rotten Tomatoes The Walking Dead is an award winning drama series. The show is about how a zombie apocalypse takes over the world, and the struggles of what people will do to survive. The main character of the show is Rick Grimes who was a sheriff before the apocalypse started. The show starts out in Atlanta, Georgia. Through out the shows we see groups of people come together regardless of race, and we see groups of people solely made because they look like one another but we will dive into that later.

Something that seems very significant in different social groups coming together is the beginning of the show. In the beginning of the show Rick Grimes wakes up in the hospital. He was put into the hospital before the the apocalypse after he was shot in a response call, and he woke up in the hospital after 3 months after the apocalypse started. He leaves to the hospital to go look for his wife and son. Rick makes his way to down town Atlanta where he meets and Korean man named Glen, after Glen saved Ricks life. Glen then introduces Rick to the rest of his group in Atlanta and they bring him back to their camp where Rick finds out that his wife and son where staying at.

Upon arrival to the camp there was people from a lot of different social groups. African Americans, Asian Americans, Caucasians, elderly, etc. Most of these people did not know each other util the apocalypse started, and they did not know about each other’s backgrounds, but that did not stop them from getting a long. Everyone put aside their differences to survive together.

I think the creator of the show wanted us to know that everyone can always get a long regardless of race. As stated before these people in thus group had no knowledge of each other before the apocalypse started, and now they treat each other like family. The creator of the show wanted us to know that you do not need to know about someones background just because they are different from you. you should treat everyone with respect regardless of who you are, what you believe, and what you look like.

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