Text Review -Anand Kothapalli

For my text review I have decided to analyze the injustice within this Telugu movie.

During the movie, there is a huge amount of injustice toward the poor community. As the movie begins a poor family is invited to a wedding in India. The family can not all attend to their duties so they decide to send the daughter to help with the wedding and be next to the bride. As the preparations of the wedding take place the daughter falls in love with another individual at the wedding who arrives from America.

The story takes a big turn when the mother of the American boy finds out about the love story between the poor family’s daughter and her son. She is enraged and yells at the poor family when the son leaves the wedding to get bangles. The mother states that the poor family is not good enough for her son because of their social status. She claims that her son is from the United States and is very wealthy while the poor family is worthless. The mother also accuses the poor family’s daughter of making her son fall in love with her.

Overall, there is a lot of injustice that takes place during the entirety of the movie. I believe it is unfair for the wealthy family to act privileged and treat the poor family so rudely. This shows that injustice exists everywhere within the world. During the movie the acts of social injustice also clearly show the mindset that any acts of love are perceived in India. This could be a explanation to the reason that India has numerous arranged marriages each year. All in all, the social injustice caused by the wealthy family leads to the son going back to India looking for the girl of his dreams. By the end of the movie the wealthy family also comes to realize they have caused a huge social injustice.

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