Text Review -Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy a medical show that has parts in it that are real and fake. Particularly an episode called “Crash Into Me”,In this episode a lot is happening hence the name. A patient( also an EMT that helps all kinds of people all day) comes in and needs surgery and while on the table the doctors and interns notice he has a swastika tattooed on his chest. Everyone in the episode is not that happy, one of the doctors even tells a family member that Dr.Bailey(Head of Surgery) who is a black woman is saving a white suprematist’s life. In the all in all they took an oath to save lives. They help the patient and even though is a very uncomfortable situation they stitch him and even try to give the best possible outcome to the healing scar. The patient wakes up to a jagged restitch and he is livid, even through his pain. O’Malley ask him about having a black partner and if he and his wife are friends. The patient says he’s just a guy with a belief system. O’Malley tells the patient “Dr.bailey saved your life today, a black woman at a great personal cost. Maybe next time you’re looking at your tattoo and thinking all us white guys are Better than everyone else you can think about that. Between you and me if I were in that OR alone you’d be dead.” We all know where most nazi groups stand, and for someone to get a tattoo of that , they definitely stand for what Nazi’s believe. I relate this episode to Spivak’s “can the subaltern speak?” I think mainly because Dr. Bailey was going through something at the time so not much was said. Dr. O’Malley Was able to speak up and though it may not have been the right words to say in a professional setting, he stood for what he believes and let the patient know that he’s wrong.


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