Text Review: The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give is a novel that was published in 2017. It is about a teenage African American girl named Starr who goes to predominantly white school, away from the neighborhood where she grew up. One night she goes to a party back in her neighborhood with all her friends that she grew up with. As the night goes on things get tense and the party disperses after gunshots go off near the house. A childhood friend of hers offers to take her home, but while in the car the two are stopped by a white police officer. The officer ends up fatally shooting her friend, Khalil, when he opens the car door to check on Starr. She is very shaken up by the whole night and she has a hard time processing what happened. To make matters worse the police decide not to prosecute the officer who shot and killed Khalil. When Starr goes to the police station to testify on Khalil’s behalf, she is drilled with questions about Khalil’s behavior, instead of the shooting itself. Starr soon begins to lose hope that justice will truly be served, so she sets out to honor Khalil her way. The novel depicts injustices that are still ever prevalent in our country, and in the lives of African Americans in particular. Incidents like this happen all too often in the United States; some grab the national spotlight and others are not very well known. Unfortunately, the outcome is often the killer getting to walk with no real consequences for taking a life. This novel is a very accurate, and creative way to tackle two different social issues that challenge African Americans to this day. The first is the struggle that African Americans who attend PWIs face, in terms of finding their identity, and fitting. It also tackles a more serious and urgent topic, the police killing of young African American people. I would recommend this novel to anyone who needs to be educated on the system in place that does not benefit all of its citizens, as well as everyone who can directly relate to it for one reason or anything.

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