Text Review: Get Out

The movie Get Out follows a black man named Chris Washington who goes to meet his girlfriend’s parents but it turns out that Rose’s parents basically want to sell him so they can transfer their brains into their bodies for their preferred traits. When Chris first meets Rose’s family he is concerned about possible racism because they are all rich white people and the help they have for the mansion seems to be only composed of black people. Throughout this whole introduction to the family, little does Chris know, he is actually being auctioned off in the same fashion that slaves would be auctioned back when that was the norm. This movie clearly displays the master slave dialectic. Whether that be via power dynamics or by literally selling the person as if they’re a slave. The othering started at the very beginning of the movie Chris is talking with Rose about her parents. Previously I said that Chris was put off with the fact that her whole family was only composed of white people, this means that even from the beginning of the movie Chris felt like another just because he wasn’t white. However this is just the start of situations that this movie displays, this ranges from political differences to racial stereotypes. This range of differences is fairly shallow in terms of explanation but when Chris actually gets auctioned off he gets hypnotized so they can control him and on que with the clinking of a tea cup he falls into the sunken place. There is no sound when screaming and to me that resembles how he feels like he has no voice in this situation/family. The clinking of the glass makes me think of how slave masters would whistle or crack a whip to make the slaves do what the master wants. This analyzation ties into the master slave dialectic and how the “others” don’t have a voice

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