Diary of Systemic injustice showcase: Injustice for Lesbians

Sexual minorities are marginalized groups which is “other” compared to most people, and usually suffer systemic injustice. This is even worse for lesbians, they are even the “subaltern” in their community. This situation has been continued for a long time, despite the efforts of many people, it is still common in China.

The word “gay” was first used to define most queers, and then the word GLBT came out. At that time, they are ignored in the LGBT group compared to gays, and they are treated unequal. Which also made the separatism appeared among the LGBT group. However, it later changed to LGBT, to honor what lesbians did during the “AIDS crisis”. They help to take care of the patients, and also gave their blood. But until today, lesbians are still ignored by most people. Particular in China, lesbians often get seldom benefits from affirmative actions.


In China, gay men are bolder and gained more power.  Lesbians, on the other hand, tend to be hidden in the crowd and their voices are rarely heard.  For example, I knew at least dozens of gays in my high school, some of them even told everyone this thing, but I didn’t know even one lesbian. Also, there are many gay bars in my city, but I have never heard of a lesbian gathering place. For example, most Chinese people are not as receptive to lesbians as gay men, not online but in reality.

More data showed the real situation and the systemic injustice for lesbians. Because of the male privilege, gays usually face less pressure than lesbians. Because of lesbians complicated identities, even they get a job, they may face much more discriminations while working. If the man in a normal marriage earns 1 dollar, the man of a gay marriage earns $0.98, but the woman of a lesbian marriage earns $0.78. Census data also showed that the average income for a lesbian family is much less than a gay family, which is $100000 compared to $130000. All these represent the harder situation for women and the injustice they may face.


I think lesbians face systemic injustice first because they are minorities. They are different from most people, defined as “other”, so treated unequally. But at the same time, they are “subaltern” in that “subaltern group”. I think it’s because they’re still “female”. Since in the gendered society, woman is still the “subaltern”. This situation happens even in sexual minorities.  If we want to change the systemic inequality, we must first change the current situation of systemic injustice for women caused by the biological division of the gender.





Pride Month: 12 key numbers highlighting the economic status, challenges that LGBTQ people face, https://www.nbcnews.com/know-your-value/feature/pride-month-12-key-numbers-highlighting-economic-status-challenges-lgbtq-ncna1231820




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