The story of Polly Guo and her son, Deming, revolves around an illegal immigrant who got deported to China after he was adopted by an American family. Since he had a hard time finding his identity after he was adopted, he often had a hard time remembering his old times with his biological mother.
Adam Crasper is Korean and adopted by American family through a Korean adoption agency. His story is even more misrable than Deming’s. Forcibly separated from his Korean family, he was adopted by a family from Michigan at the age of 3. He was abused by his adoptive parents in the United States when he was younger. He was then deported to Mexico because his adoptive parents failed to file citizenship documentation for him. Crapser’s case highlights the uncertainties surrounding the legal status of thousands of South Korean adoptees who were born in the US.
Watch this 2-minute short video about the legal holes in the foster system that allows immigrant children to be adopted by American families and unable to live with their biological family.