Blog Post 4

  1. Westerville does feature a lot of traffic lights and stop signs throughout the city. Residents can feel safe knowing the city government takes pride in the rules of the road. Westerville is very vehicle heavy, whether that means personal vehicles or city buses. Residents that do not have their own vehicles are able to take the city bus to whatever location needed. There are plenty of sidewalks throughout Westerville. Safety-wise, there is the Westerville Fire Station 112 and a police department as well.
  2. Families mostly have access to food from local grocery stores. Whether means Walmart, Kroger, or Rasin Rack Natural Food Market. Residents also have the choice of growing their own food in their backyard.
  3. I believe that residents would consider Westerville as food secure, there is plenty of grocery store for residents to choose from. If able to, residents that prefer a different grocery store department are able to drive out some ways of Westerville to find what they need.
  4. Westerville is a food swap, as stated before there are plenty of different grocery stores that sell a variety of healthy food. The listed grocery stores do sell a number of unhealthy foods as well. Residents have to make the choice to eat healthily or not. Residents can also grow their own vegetables if they would like to.
  5. I would promote grocery stores to offer more healthy food choices that aren’t considered expensive. Organic can be very expensive depending on the product. I would love to see Westerville promote a healthy lifestyle. Whether that means creating bike stations or longer walking paths.