130 Piscitelli Pl. Columbus, OH
Site Evaluation
- The property is surrounded by some older multifamily and single-family homes as well as flanked by some more modern style apartment buildings.
- Overall New Village Place fits in pretty well into its’s surroundings given that the architectural style isn’t super modern nor super old looking. It blends well and doesn’t make it look like public housing.
- I would consider it an attractive building, but it isn’t the most attractive building. It blends in.
- The landscaping of the building is very well kept, and the overall sanitation of the facilities is very good. A few places were slightly ungroomed, but the rest was very well groomed in terms of grass and foliage.
- The parking situation is very good, every until seemed to have designated parking and there are a couple of larger lots wedged in between buildings.
- Street lighting was average and was on the outside as well as inside of the complex.
Nearby Businesses and Type
- The nearby land uses include very few stores. Across the street to the east there is a primary school and to the south and west there are other residential zones. The closest grocery store is almost exactly a mile from the complex. The closest businesses were restaurants and smaller storefronts.
- The nearest bus stop is very close. It is maybe 500-600 feet to the northeast of the complex. The lines available are all the COTA lines. The Bus stop was an unprotected bench area with the bus stop sign with the lines described on it. It has protected bike lanes very close to the complex due to being very close to Summit Street. Summit street is also a major car thoroughfare.
Secondary Effects
- At the 500ft radius there was very little crime, just one theft. At the 1000ft radius there were a few more individual burglaries. At the .25 miles, there were quite a few theft and burglaries but no murders. At the .5-mile radius there were no murders either, but more thefts and burglaries.
- At the .5-mile radius the crime is concentrated to the north of the New Village Place and there is barely any crime around the location itself. The most common crime is individual burglaries.
Property Values and Education
Zillow Zestimate
- There is no Zillow Zestimate for the units in our building. The Montessori School across the street does not have any rating data on it. We tried to find the correct pricing for the units, but no website gave current prices as contacting the owner would be necessary they were all currently being leased.
- Weinland Park Elementary Schools – Score 2/10
- Hubbard Master School – Score 3/10
- Harambee Christian School – NR
- Indianola Informal K-8 School – Score 4/10
- Columbus Collegiate Academy – Score 6/10
- Arts Impact Middle School – Score 4/10
- Youthbuild Columbus Community – Score NR
- Fort Hayes Career Center – Score NR
- Fort Hayes Arts and Academic High School – Score 4/10
Site Characteristics
- Name of Property: New Village Place
- Owner/Manager: Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority
- Type of Funding: Public/Government
- Population Served: City of Columbus on the Northern Side
- Year Built: 2004
- Number of Buildings: 4
- Number of Units: Approx. 16 (Not completely sure because of conflicting information)
- Land Use Classification: Exempt Property
- Square Footage of Building: 12,760
- Total Assessed Value: $1,798,600