2207-209 Neil Ave
- This property has good access and parking close to campus due to the large parking lot to the rear and the street access from the one-way alley.
- The parking lot to the rear was expansive and seems to be a large waste of space, a parking garage would reduce the space needed for the same amount of parking and would allow for more efficient use of land with such great location.
- The side setback from the alley was 4-5 ft. which seems too close.
Norwich Avenue
- The sidewalk was 4 ft. wide which was too narrow for our liking. Only two people can fit and it is not very comfortable.
- There is not a lot of bright street lighting, and the street lights were only on one side of the street.
- The street felt very narrow even though it was a one-way. It was close in measurement to Northwood in width of street and right of way but the front setback of the houses at around 10-15 ft. causes a feeling of claustrophobia.
- The corner property on Williams St. and Norwich Ave. had a very large front setback which made it look completely out of place. There is a front parking lot and it is an apartment building, both of those characteristics are also out of place compared to the residential house look of the rest of Norwich.
Williams Street Alley
- The alley has a dual use of an alley and a parking area, the parking and alley are not efficiently organized and varies from property to property, and the boundaries of the alley need to be crisper and more defined.
- The north half of Williams St. alley had street parking on one side of the alley making it tough for cars and pedestrians to navigate.
Northwood Avenue
- The setbacks of the houses were 20-30 ft. on Northwood which made the street feel a lot wider than Norwich even though the measurements of the road were pretty close.
- The sidewalks were different widths (4.5 ft. South/ 7 ft. North side) but both had good quality. They were nicer to walk on with the larger setbacks. The buildings on Northwood and Norwich are similar but because of the wider side walks and setbacks, Northwood was a lot more pleasant.
- The brick wall on the south side of Northwood confused us in its use. It seemed to be in front of apartment buildings and have no purpose other than appearance or protection.
Neil Avenue
- This commercial building looked very out of place in the residential area it is in, it may have fit in while it was built a long time ago, but now it sticks out. It looks like an old post office, and is now used as an office building for a real estate company so at least it is being used for something useful.
- Tommy’s Pizza- the parking is beneficial for the business but there is no set entrance or exit which makes it dangerous for pedestrians. It is also ugly.