
This fall, I joined the Undergraduate Student Government at OSU where I am a Committee Representative in the Academic Affairs committee.  Through USG I have met many fantastic people and have started to already make an impact on the undergraduate experience of myself and every single other student at The Ohio State University.  This semester I have been predominantly working on a project dealing with educational resource affordability, specifically pertaining to access codes and other online learning resources.  Throughout my first semester in the Academic Affairs committee, I have already been involved in important projects that make real changes at this university, and I have also gained another community here at Ohio State that I feel that I can really call a family.  The above picture is one of me with the rest of my committee at a recent Thanksgiving potluck dinner where we ate some delicious food and sat down together at the dinner table to talk and spend time together.  I have loved my time in USG thus far and I know that I will continue to form close bonds with my fellow USG members as well as continue to fight for the undergraduate students at this university to make Ohio State the best possible place that it can be.

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