ACES Pillars Film Project

On Tuesday, November 6th 2018, three other ACES Scholars and I gave a presentation on the Netflix documentary “Tricked” while through the lens of the four ACES pillars, for the ACES Pillars Film Project. The four pillars, community, service, advocacy, and positive social change, play a large role in most social and social justice issues in today’s society. This 2013 documentary follows multiple points of views of people that are directly affected by the sex trafficking issue in the United States. The film allows victims of sex trafficking to speak firsthand on their experiences as well as law enforcement officials who deal with human trafficking in their lines of work to offer their viewpoints. It also allows individuals that control women in human trafficking (pimps) and those individuals who partake in the trade of sex trafficking (johns). Individually, I took a look at the film and the positive social change that occurs in the film. Sex trafficking, or as President Obama claimed, “modern day slavery”, is a growing American epidemic, but that does not mean that there are not individuals trying to help in any way that they can. One example of positive social change seen in this film was Danielle Douglas, a former sex trafficking victim, and arguably the main character of the movie “Tricked”. Danielle’s willingness to publicly share her story is very powerful and her commitment to help other girls that are in a similar situation that she was in is a perfect example of how Danielle is enacting positive social change. Through the ACES Pillars Film Project, I collaborated very well with my group members and I am very proud of the outcome of all of our hard work.  

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