Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Signs and symptoms of abdominal pain or discomfort; continuous recurrence of symptoms (in this patient 2 months); abnormal stool frequency (more than 3x per day – in this patient multiple times per day); weight loss (15 lbs); significant signs & symptoms of inflammatory bowel process (Porth, 2015)
Ulcerative Colitis – Stools typically containing blood or mucus (patient has small amounts of bright red blood); mild abdominal cramping; anorexia (patient’s desire to eat diminished); weakness or fatigue; severity mild, moderate, or severe; severe disease evidenced by elevated ESR (Porth, 2015)
Crohn’s Disease – Slowly progressive; colicky pain, malaise; fistula formation (sigmoidoscopy, anal fissure assessed), possible abdominal abscess formation or intestinal obstruction (evidence by abdominal pain); rectal bleeding (objective with exam); reduced appetite and weight loss (15 lbs); inflammatory process (reddened, tender lymph nodes); family history (mother & brother); perianal abscess (diagnosed 2015) (Porth, 2015)