Diagnosis & Treatment

Diagnosis of Crohn’s disease requires a complete physical assessment and thorough history.  Sigmoidoscopy is used to visualize damaged bowel tissue and to obtain biopsies.


Stool cultures and examination of fresh stool specimens verify any ova or parasites.  Radiographic contrast studies determine the extent of involvement of the small bowel and establishing fistulas.  CT scans are used to detect an inflammatory mass or abscess.  Crohn’s also confirmed by lab Work – decreased iron and vitamin B12 levels (anemia), low albumin levels (hypoalbuminemia), high platelet count, high WBC count, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).




Treatment:   Terminating inflammatory response & promote healing

– 5-aminosalicylic acid agents, corticosteroids, antibiotics,

immunosuppressant drugs (azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine,

methotrexate), and anti-tumor necrosis factor (adalimumab) (Porth, 2015)

Maintaining adequate nutrition (due to diarrhea and weight loss)

– Diet high in calories, vitamins, and proteins

– Fats avoided

– Elemental diet during acute phase (residue and bulk free) (Porth, 2015)

Preventing and treating complications

– Corticosteroids (suppress acute clinical symptoms)

– Metronidazole (treat bacterial overgrowth)

– Surgical resection of damaged bowel, drainage of abscesses, or

repair of fistula tracts if necessary (Porth, 2015)