Week 15: Methodology

NPR presents the story of a textbook manufacture that decided to change the story of slavery. Described as workers who immigrated to the United States to work agricultural jobs, the story of millions of slaves was rewritten to express a reality that the publisher wanted to portray and unlike the one that actually occurred. The importance of the marginalized voice is a piece not presented throughout the mainstream when those in power don’t share that story. Qualitative research methodology often allows stories from those underrepresented to be center in studies and used to impact policy.
Read the NPR article and listen to the story provided in the second link and think about the importance of CRT in research methodology and counter-storytelling. What impact does misinformation have on students who learn from a curriculum created by the dominant culture? In which ways can we encourage people to share and value stories that are counter to the mainstream experiences most often presented?

Link: http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/10/23/450826208/why-calling-slaves-workers-is-more-than-an-editing-error

Link: http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/07/13/421744763/how-textbooks-can-teach-different-versions-of-history

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