Week 13: Whiteness as Property

NPR Correspondent Nikole Hannah-Jones explores the gaps in educational performance between minority students and their white peers by reporting on a school program in Normandy, Missouri. The program “stumbled on an integration program” that is helping students of color increase their standardized test scores but is creating a hostile climate in the majority White school district to which these students are being bused into.

Listen to both parts of the podcast and analyze the situation through a CRT lens. Which tenet of CRT would most assist you in critically discussing the parent’s reactions on both sides of the argument? How might this relate to the readings for this week when considering Brown v Board (1954) and the impact its had to the U.S. educational system?

Link: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/562/the-problem-we-all-live-with

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