What do the G.O.A.L.S. mean to me?
Global Awareness: In order to be a globally aware citizen I think it is crucial to stay informed on current events and have open conversations about my views. By talking with my peers and professors about current events I am able to to see the world from new perspectives and be more culturally aware. I plan to further my global awareness by studying abroad and finding the best ways to promote diversity and inclusion in the classroom. I have worked toward this goal by attending FYSS on diversity and inclusion.
Original Inquiry: I think original inquiry is the best way to improve the current education system. New research on the impacts of diversity, funding and resources in schools has made a lot of progression toward ways to truly fix the current public education system. These discoveries could not have been done without original inquiry into topics that had not been previously looked into. I have worked toward this goal by writing a research brief on educational redlining.
Academic Enrichment: Academic enrichment is crucial to gaining the best educational experience possible. Joining programs in your field outside of the classroom gives you additional insight into your profession and sets you apart from your peers. Through academic enrichment you go into the workplace with more experience and preparation than your peers that only gained experience in the classroom. I plan to work toward this goal by participating in FEEP next semester.
Leadership Development: Learning how to effectively and successfully lead a group of people is a skill that is necessary for the professional workplace. Whether this simply means taking charge and leading a group project or gaining a leadership role in a club you are a part of, developing this skill in any setting is crucial. I plan to apply for ACES leadership council because it would be an amazing opportunity and help me develop my leadership skills.
Service Engagement: Giving back to your community is something that I strongly believe in. If you are fortunate enough to have the time and resources to help people that are going through a rough time a little bit of support, you should absolutely do it. Service engagement can be seen through donating money and food or going out into the community and donating your time to help a cause. I have volunteered through multiple ACES events and recently started volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House.