In my classroom, I have 23 unique, creative, and special students, that shine as wonderful individuals. They each have their talents and struggles, but through this experience I have learned how to address their needs to the best of my ability. I came from a middle class suburban school district, so being exposed to the different atmosphere of a city school really opened my eyes. I now understand the issues that face low-class youth, as well as how the school tries to provide for them. I also learned that sometimes there can be more pressing issues than school work for students, and that its important to recognize and be there for them in those times.
Reflecting on my time in the classroom has made me reevaluate what type of teacher I hope to become. I now know that I prefer grades 4 through 7, and I have switched my specializations from science and history, to science and math. I have learned new methods of teaching, but more about how I want to personally shape the classroom and students I will teach.