My First Year Reflection
My first year of college was definitely an eventful one. It had its ups and downs, times of triumphs and failures, but I have mostly survived. Through my classes, I learned lots of things I didn’t know before, but not necessarily all positive. Aside from actual lecture content, I’ve learned to care a little less about my grades and to try to stress less. This may not be the best though, because recently it’s been so hard to find motivation to complete my school work. The math classes I’ve taken at OSU have made me hate math, which is so sad because it was something I was always good at growing up and enjoyed doing, but now I just despise it. Maybe anything past Calculus 1 is just too much for me. Outside the classroom, I have made new friends and gained new experiences that I have really enjoyed. I have learned to be more comfortable being alone, and I have been able to further delve into what I am passionate about though student organizations. In terms of self growth and learning, I have been going through an identity crisis recently, so I feel like I cannot talk about this very well. As a person, I feel that I have not changed very much from who I was before college. I have definitely changed at least a little, but nothing real drastic, and I am not really sure if I am happy with that person. I have have also just been sick and not healthy this school year, so that may contribute to everything. I don’t know, I’m hoping the summer time away from school and stress will allow me to feel good again, I just feel like this semester is really affecting my mental heath. I have made some great new friends that I love being around, and I am so excited to be around them more next year. Some of my favorite moments from this school year would be my crazy trip to New York, traveling to Chicago with my new friend to visit one of my best friends, and attending a conference in Washington DC. The conference in DC was such a beneficial and educational experience that I really enjoyed. I attended Capitol Hill Days, a conference on global reproductive rights and justice. There I learned so much and met so many amazing people, along with lobbying my representatives, which was just so cool. Along with my aforementioned “identity crisis”, I have also been questioning my choice of major. I love chemistry and I always have, I’m just worried and overthink everything I do. Next year I am both looking forward to nervous about taking organic chemistry, because I have never taken anything like it before, so whether or not I enjoy it will really be the deciding point of what I want to do with my life and major. I am also looking forward to rooming with my close friend next year, and one of my friends from high school coming here next year as well. I just know it will be crazy and so much fun. I am also really excited to only be taking 15 credit hours! Overall, I have definitely gained new experiences this school year, but I am so ready for it to be over because I just really need a break.