Welcome to the new CPH Technology Tips blog!
You have seen me around. Possibly admired my shoes, but have no idea who I am or what I do (or why I keep sending you surveys).
My name is Margaret Murphy and I am the instructional designer for the CPH. (“Instructional what now?”)
In a nutshell, I am here to help you design and develop awesome online and in-class learning experiences.
I can help you:
- Structure content and activities for student learning, both in the classroom and online
- Create media to support learning (e.g., visual aids for face-to-face, various multimedia for e-learning and online)
- Develop assessments (note that this does not only mean tests)
- Adapt instructional materials created for one format to another format (usually this is adapting materials from face-to-face to e-learning)
- Provide technical support for Carmen, OSU’s LMS (Learning Management System. For now.)
- Explore ways to engage and connect students in both peer-to-peer and student-to-teacher interactions
- Show you where the food trucks are
Blogs are annoying. Why should I follow this one?
Two reasons:
Content in this blog will be created in direct response to your learning needs. From the survey responses, it was clear to me that you wanted:
Tools to engage your learners. You also want tools as part of the “how-to” process for getting materials online. (See the link to the “How the Heck Do I Do That?” page at the top.)
Support – in both creating online content and in real-time when you are using these tools. (See the “Contact Me” page at the top.)
Time. This was the big one. Many of you expressed a concern about the sheer amount of time it takes to create online content.
I am not going to lie, it does take a boat load of time. And while I cannot give you more hours in your day I can:
- Teach you how to do what you need/want to do, faster and more efficiently (See “I Want To Get My Course Online” tab at the top.)
- Give you coffee to keep you energized.
Remember the concern about time? OSU (and the internet) has tons of really fantastic resources and information related to online learning but since you don’t have time to search the interwebs regularly, reading through each and every web site, I will use this blog to centralize those resources and information, selecting content that best meets the needs of the faculty here at CPH.
SO…………use the free “subscribe by email” option to the left to get these blog posts sent to your inbox. I promise not to spam you with lots of ridiculous posts.
Looking forward to our adventure together. Let’s do this!