Strategies for Student Success

Runner at the starting line  

Are you a self-directed learner? Are you comfortable asking questions? Can you stay motivated? If you answered yes, then you should be successful in the online environment.

Create a Time Management Plan

One of the most important aspects of being a student is being self-disciplined. Students must find time to complete coursework (lectures, readings, discussions and assignments) within a weekly time  frame. Students must devote adequate time to complete all of their course tasks. AdviceTo help organize your week, start by reviewing the weekly tasks as soon as the course opens.  Most CPH courses have a specific “start” to the week. Your course “week” might not run Sunday to Monday. Review your course syllabus for specific details.  The course schedule was selected to allow busy students time to review the weekly content and create a schedule. It’s best to designate a specific day & time to complete your work.  Once you have set up your own personal schedule for the week, this will help ensure you have enough time to complete your work and participate in class discussions and assignments.


Be Thoughtful in Online Discussions

For our online courses, your interaction with other students and the instructor will happen within the class discussion area. Class discussions present an opportunity to learn through other student’s interpretation of the content and can provide a higher level of understanding of the topic and material. Advice: Take time to be thoughtful in your response as you now have the opportunity to research and craft your response before posting. Online discussions provide you with the opportunity to think deeply and have richer discourse with your fellow students. Instead of hearing only a couple of student’s thoughts on a topic as in a face-to-face course, you have the ability to read all students responses and comment, ask questions and discuss thoughts further on certain ones.


Ask Questions

Whether you are participating in an online or face-to-face course, communication is essential to student success. Our online courses provide communication tools (discussions & email) that allow you to ask questions. Questions are an integral part of learning and our online courses and instructors support this. Students shouldn’t hesitate to post a general question for all students to benefit from or an email specifically to the instructor for a one-on-one response. Advice: Be thoughtful in your questions and take time to write these so they are clear and understandable. If your course has a discussion area for general questions, don’t be afraid to post here as your classmates can benefit from the question and response.


Make Connections

Being part of a student community can benefit everyone. Students in online courses have the opportunity to learn as much from fellow students as from the instructor through discussions and posted questions. Students in face-to-face courses can potentially make connections for support and study groups. Advice: Read the discussions within your online course and interact with responses and comments. Ask questions and answer questions. Consider sharing email addresses/phone numbers with other students for support.


Stay Motivated to Learn

In online courses you have no physical contact or interaction with your instructor or fellow students and it is easy to lose motivation throughout the semester. Students begin to put course tasks and requirements off and focus on other things. Not having to “look your instructor in the eye” when turning in late assignments or missing content makes it easier. Advice: Participate, ask questions and keep your eye on the prize. Each of us has different motivators (feedback, grades, setting personal goals) so identify yours and let this help keep you working towards the class completion.


Support Services

Life can have a way of dealing us a difficult set of circumstances, and this can sometimes affect our ability to do our best in class. You aren’t alone, and Ohio State has a wealth of resources to help you get back to your highest levels of success. Advice: Time matters. Contact your instructor as soon as you can, and consider getting in touch with SLDS if more official accommodations would be beneficial to your situation.