
Timebox #5 Release

The semester is quickly coming to a close, and here is Timebox #5. Below are some of the details of our release:

Track Builder Updated

  • Cursor to indicate direction of track pieces
  • Name of track piece shows in corner
  • Save/Load ability updated, can overwrite already existing tracks

Kart Soccer Updated

  • Ability to flip/roll kart in the air
  • Better boost ability
  • Larger arena

Chip Shop (in-game store)

  • Ability to progress while playing game modes by earning Chips
  • Spend Chips on rare kart colors & skins
  • Select color/skin in all game modes

Re-designed game GUI/theme

  • More clean, exciting game theme
  • Infinite driving AI kart in the background of main menu

And much more!

For a demo of our game, check out Jack’s YouTube post:

Timebox #4 Release

Timebox #4 has arrived! Below are some of the details of our release:

Track Builder

  • Build your own tracks in a home environment
  • Save tracks as XML files and import them into the main Race Mode
  • Uses all currently available track pieces, will implement more over time

Kart Soccer (“Tot Shot”)

  • Our spin on the game Rocket League
  • 2 v 2 and 1 v 1 gameplay of hitting a ball (the tot) into the opposing goal

Scene Transitions

  • Smooth scene transitions (fade to white and sound)
  • Screen wipe
  • Universal implementation to easily apply to all scenes

Kart color picker

  • You can now select your own kart color
  • Currently not exclusive colors, so multiple people can pick one color

And much more!

For a demo of our game, check out Jack’s YouTube post:

Timebox #3 Release

Another two weeks have passed, and Timebox #3 is shipped! Below are some of the details of our release:

Revamped AI

  • AI now operate on a lane-switching system to add randomness to their decisions
  • Power-Ups are a tool for AI to use! This includes Boost and Spark for now
  • AI can adjust to be thrown off of the course, allowing them to avoid situations where they would turn around to complete a waypoint


  • Tracks have been overhauled to fix clipping/texture issues
  • Pre-created tracks now contain Power-Up clusters, boost plates, ramps, traps, and much more!
  • Sound effects were added to give life to our game, such as using Power-Ups or accelerating

Polished Race Mode

  • The standard race mode now enforces players to stay on the trap and not cheat
  • Two new maps were added, Bedroom 1 and Kitchen 1
  • Supports 1-4 players, including AI

Initial Implementation of Spud Run

  • Our spin on a “capture the flag” style game mode, but you want to hold the potato for as long as possible
  • Points are awarded each second of holding, with the game ending after 1 minute
  • 2-4 players, no AI

And much more!

For a demo of our game, check out Jack’s YouTube post:

Timebox #2 Release

Timebox #2 has been completed! We presented our work on 02/08 and below are some of the details of our release:

Kart Physics

  • Kart movement, speed, acceleration, collision
  • Effects of Boost power up are implemented
  • Conditions like mid-air acceleration are accounted for


  • SimpleInput system was created to overlay our dynamic input of devices (keyboard, gamepad, etc)
  • Unity input was not complex enough for our game idea, so we went this route
  • Supports Keyboard/Mouse, Xbox and Playstation at this time


  • AI karts are mapped to drive through tracks with a waypoint system
  • Can account for turns, slope and situations where kart will be pushed off the track
  • Current build supports a max of 3 AI karts


  • Kart prefab, tracks, and environment match the feel of our cartoon-ish racer game
  • Setting is a micro-track navigating through a home, in this build we have a basement settinig
  • Music in menus and ambient noise to simulate a racetrack
  • Main menu has an animated scene displaying our kart prefab and a Mario-style font

And much more!

For a demo of our game, check out Jack’s YouTube post:

Welcome to Couch Potato Gaming’s Official Website

Our group, founded for the Spring 2017 semester CSE Game Capstone, is dedicated towards developing a racing game fun for all. As of right now, our game, Couch Party Racing, is merely design. However, in two weeks, we will have a early functional prototype for users to download freely.

Look forward in the near future for more updates about our progress, concept art, and test builds!