Week 6

You have reached the last week of our challenge! Lesson 6 will explain which valuable papers to keep and how to keep them safe and easily accessible. You will also calculate your net worth.

Don’t forget about our 2-minute videos!

“Determine Your Net Worth”

“Keeping Financial Records”

I would also encourage you to visit one or more of these helpful websites at the end of the challenge:

Live Smart Ohio hosts information on making smarter food, mind and body, money, and family and  relationship choices.

America Saves Week encourages Americans to assess their own saving status and take action February 23 – 28, 2015.

Ohio Saves is an initiative to help all people focus on saving money, reducing debt, and building wealth over time.

eXtension delivers knowledge on a variety of topics from the best land-grant university minds across America.


Author:  Kristen Corry, M.A., Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Monroe/Noble Counties, Buckeye Hills EERA, corry.10@osu.edu

Reviewer: Cindy Shuster, M.S., CFLE, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Perry County, Buckeye Hills EEERA, shuster.24@osu.edu

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