Pay Yourself First

Remember your financial goaOhio Savesls? Set aside money in your budget each month or there may be nothing left for you to save!

Pay yourself first. Make savings a fixed expense in your budget. Financial advisors recommend saving 10% of your take-home pay.

Make saving automatic. Arrange for part of your paycheck to be directly deposited into an account each pay period.

Save for emergencies. According to research, only 38% of Ohioans have sufficient emergency savings. It’s recommended that individuals have an emergency fund of 3-6 months’ worth of living expenses.

To calculate the total amount you will need to save for emergencies:

  1. Look at your budget for the month. Identify all necessary expenses such as groceries, utilities, rent or mortgage payments and insurance.
  2. Total all expenses and multiply by 3 for 3 months or 6 for 6 months.

 Saving is simply delayed spending; you must plan for future spending in your budget now!


Author:  Kristen Corry, M.A., Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Monroe/Noble Counties; Buckeye Hills EERA;

Reviewer:  Polly Loy, M.S., Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Belmont County; Buckeye Hills EERA;

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