Week 3

This week in Lesson 3,you will see if there are any “leaks” in your spending. By changing just one habit, your money can be better used to help you reach a financial goal that is important to you.

Spending $1-$20 less a day on average can add up to somewhere between $365 and $7,300 a year (Imagine having $146,100, plus interest, in 20 years!). Habits can add up to big costs. Our video gives a great example of how quickly spending leaks can add up. 


Author:  Kristen Corry, M.S., Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Monroe/Noble Counties, Buckeye Hills EERA, corry.10@osu.edu

Reviewer:  Polly Loy, M.S., Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Belmont County, Buckeye Hills EERA,  loy.1@osu.edu

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