
Something I have learned in this class so far is that the environment can be integrated into every single aspect of our lives, even in a city environment where natural resources are scarce and mostly placed there by humans. During our first month here on campus, I’ve learned that I need to find people that I can be myself around and not get stuck in a situation where I can’t talk about my interests to my close friends (I have, luckily found such friends and that’s what made me realize that in the first place), as I have unfortunately experienced this firsthand very recently at my second high school, as I joined a very firmly established group of friends very late and therefore not being as close to them as I was with my other friends from my old school. However, despite me having a wonderful time so far this semester, I’ve been definitely struggling with the difficulty of my classes, as first-year engineering is unfortunately meant to be hard and a weed-out process, and I’m personally not enjoying some of the classes I’m taking at the moment but I know I’ll start taking classes I enjoy next semester onwards so my worries are admittedly minor and I’ve had a mental struggle here and there about whether my major is right for me but I think I’m happy with what I’ll end up doing. While I’ve been here on campus, I’ve managed to get to know at least one or two people in almost every class I’m in, with all of my classes that involve a lecture having at least one person I know to be in that same class with me. It’s nice knowing I have someone I can talk to about a class, while also knowing a bit about who they are and how they handle classes like those and classwork in general.

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