Blog 5

Before virtual instruction, in-person clinicals was so much fun and provided me with so much opportunities to apply the knowledge I learn from lecture to an actual patient. At the end of each clinical, I felt like I would understand material taught in class or what I read from a textbook so much better. Of course, when I first started my clinical journey, I was so nervous and anxious to have an actual patient. I was concerned about making mistakes or feeling incompetent. As the weeks went on, not only did my nursing skills improved, but my confidence skyrocketed. During my time working at the OSUWMC, I felt that my communication skills with the staff and patients improved as I learned helpful skills from therapeutic communication course. For example, I learned the importance to acknowledge the patient’s feelings and using silence if you are not sure how to respond to a patient. Throughout clinical I utilized this technique since many of my patients were hospitalized for a multiple weeks and they expressed their longing to be home. Since I did not know when they could potentially discharged, I would try my best to comfort and acknowledge their feelings. I felt that this technique helped as most of the time the patient really just wanted me to listen to them and talk with them about the tough time they have gone through. Another useful skill that I started utilizing is ISBAR. During my last in-person clinical, I did my first ISBAR report to my patient’s nurse before I left the unit for that day. My ISBAR definitely was not the best but I was able to practice this skill and I realized what I needed to continue to work.

Even though we do not have in-person clinicals anymore, I also have been finding virtual clinical interesting and as well a place to further my learning. For example, this week we went more in depth with ISBAR and I feel that I have a better understanding/improved ISBAR reports due to my clinical instructor allowing us to work on this skill several times during virtual clinical. Even though virtual clinicals meets my academic needs, the one thing about in-person clinical that I really do miss is interacting with patients. In future clinicals, I hope to continue growing skills such as using the silent technique when appropriate with patients. As well, I want to continue expanding the confidence that I have gained this past semester in clinical. I am looking forward to continue applying the skills learned in this course to future patient interactions.