The Otavalo People: Colonialism

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The Ecuadorian influence was less pronounced because it was dominated by the Spanish Conquest, which limited their economic growth to only crafts and a few leaders. After being conquered a few of the Otavalo curacas were adopted as Spanish rulers, that led to less power and little control over decision-making (Korovkin, 2001). However, the Otavalo’s authority was quickly demolished by the growing haciendas and no longer need for colonial tribute. The Spanish abolished the tribute all together and separated the Ecuador into parishes, provinces, and cantons (Korovkin, 2001).

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As the Spaniards continued their colonization, they found the Otavalo’s weaving skills to be a very valuable resource. The Spanish soon set up sweatshops to produce handcrafts and unique textiles (Bromley, 2004). They had the natives produce textiles to sell all across the empire and even in Europe. Politicians and leaders claimed that the Otavalos were what Indians “should be” (Bowen, 2011). The Spaniards believed that the other indigenous communities should aspire to be like the Otavalo because they were improving their market and economic system (Bowen, 2011).

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The textile industry dates all the way back to the Incas and reestablishes during the colonization period. Also, their means of networking trading links back to the Inca period before the Spanish even arrived (Torres, 2005). No other community was able to produce the exceptional textiles and handcrafts that the Otavalo created (Bromley, 2004).

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