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Fluorescence Microscopy
- Easy to Use: Built-in LCD with integrated, easy to navigate software lets you get your images quickly and save directly to a flash drive.
- Three Color Filter Wheel: Transmitted light, RFP, GFP, and DAPI channels allow you to quickly produce a multi-color overlay.
- Up to Five Objectives: Currently using 4x, 10x, 20x.
- Other Features: 1.4MP Camera, manual stage, manual focus, provided mini-dark room box so you can keep the lights on.
Nikon Eclipse Ti
- Powerful Software: Nikon Elements software lets you fully customize acquisition parameters and edit your image
- Bright Light Source:X-Cite 120 LED light source provides variable intensity light with no warm-up period.
- Six-Color Filter Wheel: Transmitted light, DAPI, BFP, CFP, GFP, Texas Red
- Up to 6 Objectives: Currently using 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x oil
- Phase Contrast Available: Currently on 10x and 20x lenses
Thanks Professor Jack Yalowich for helping to support the repair of the X-Cite 120 LED light source.
Spinning Disk Confocal – BX61TRF
- Halogen Light Source: Provides a significant amount of light after a warm-up period.
- Automation: Though the microscope has a manual nose piece, the stage is motorized in X,Y, and Z. The filter turret in the Disk Scanning Unit is also motorized.
- Image Stitching and Z-Stacking: Image large structures at high magnification by seamlessly assembling multiple images. Get three dimensional information by by assembling images at multiple focal lengths to walk through the depth of your sample.
- Color Camera: Nose piece camera provides color images at up to 3MP.
Bright Field Microscopy
- Easy to Use: Built in LCD screen with integrated software allows you to get your image captured quickly without the fuss of more complex systems.
- Phase Contrast: Choose between 4x, 10x, 20x, or 40x phase contrast objectives.
Cell Counters
Thermofisher Scientific Countess II FL
- Automate Your Cell Counting: Default bright field allows for counting of stained cells (e.g. Tryptan Blue)
- Fluorescent Cell Counting:. Ask staff to transfer filter cubes from the EVOS FL to image cells expressing fluorescent proteins. Two cubes can be used in tandem, or one cube and bright field.
- Optimize Your Consumables: Choose between reusable or disposable slides for imaging, we have the carriers for both, but we do not provide any slides.
Beckman Coulter Z1 Particle Counter
- Proven Performance: Though not strictly a cell counter, the Coulter counter has been in use since the late 1940’s.
- Dual Threshold Measurement: Set an upper and lower size limit and get data below, between, and above those points.