
Submit writing, art or photos in journal Brainchild and $250 writing contest

Check out this opportunity to have your writing, art or photos published in a well-regarded journal for Honors students only. Deadline is Jan. 5 for the spring issue. I am happy to read drafts before submission.
Virginia H. Cope
Associate Professor, English Department
Associate Dean, Newark campus
Link to submit papers below:
There is also a $250 writing contest due January 2015

Brainchild‘s primary prerequisite for submissions is quality, and our standards are the calling card of our magazine. We represent the Mid-East Honors Association, which means that we only publish honors students in the mid-east region of the country—from Illinois to Pennsylvania and from Michigan down to Virginia. This area comprises over 200 honors colleges and programs whose students we can only accept submissions from. And though our submission base is small, our readership is diverse and growing, and this has helped build Brainchild into the premier undergraduate-only literary and arts magazine in the country. This means that any individual submitting to us will have a higher chance of publication in our magazine than in almost any other, and they have the chance to be read by a highly intelligent readership that is committed to the arts. If your work is of a superior quality—you will find a home in Brainchild.

We encourage you to go to and submit to us through our Submittable page. There you will find a list of writers and artists whose work best fits our publication. Our submission period will run until January 15.

If you have any questions or queries regarding content, please feel free to email us at, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. You can also keep up with any news we release by following our accounts on Facebook ( and Twitter (@ksu_brainchild). We look forward to your submissions and the opportunity to work with you.

Zachary Nickels, Editor in Chief


Honors courses for spring: still open

If you plan to graduate with Honors distinction, then you need to take six Honors or 4000-level courses by the end of your sophomore year (in most cases). We still have room in most of our spring Honors courses. Soon I’ll open them up to non-Honors students, so this is your last chance. If you’re in Honors but not taking Honors courses, please email or comment below to let me know why.

Please note that we added an English 1110H with Dr Hughes to the schedule. It’s a popular version of this course, which fulfills the first-year writing requirement.

Anthropology 2202H, Ken Madsen. 27386. TTH 11:10-12:30. Fulfills GE for social sciences /indivs and groups and diversity global studies.

Earth Sciences 1121H, Dan Leavell. 25028. MWF 12:45-2:05 PM, F 12:40-2:30.  GE natural sciences/phys course.

English 1110.02, Rob Hughes. 33297. MW 9:35-10:55 AM. GE writing and communications, level 1.

Political Science 1100. Nathaniel Swigger. 31771. MW 2:20-3:40. GE soc sci orgs and polities course.


Reminder: LCS meeting on Monday, December 7th at 5:30 pm in Warner 126

Hello everyone! Hope your last week of classes is going well.

I wanted to get a headcount for our meeting next week. It will take place on Monday, December 7th at 5:30pm in Warner 126. We are ordering pizza (and Natasha volunteered to bring drinks!).

Please email Molly McDonough ( or reply in the comment section if you plan on attending. Please also note in the comment section if there are any snacks you would like to see in the honors lounge during finals week.

Thank you!

Poetry, Plays & Football

We’ve got a lot of fun stuff going on on campus.

An Open-Mic Poetry/ Spoken Word reading is tonight at Sparta Cafe  in downtown Newark (16 W Main Street). Free coffee drinks for readers (and if show up to listen rather than read,  your coffee’s on me).

Contribute to a fundraiser for Newark students raising money for a spring break Habitat for Humanity trip. Order from  City BBQ tomorrow (Thursday) and give them this City BBQ flyer. You can also pick up flyers in the Honors lounge and in the box outside my office (245  Warner).

Sophomore Erin Hedrick play the role of Bella.

The Victorian thriller Angel Street continues this weekend at the Black Box Theater, with Newark student  Erin Hedrick debuting in a major role. Check it out–it’s good.

Join the football watch party Saturday, beginning at 3:39, in  Warner 126 at 3:30.

It’s Geography Awareness Week. Complete activities successfully and earn prizes including a globe, spices, coffee mugs and gift certificates to the bookstore and dining services.

Finally, make sure to put Dec. 7 in your calendar (and not because it’s Pearl Harbor Day). That the next meeting of LCS, with pizza this time: 5:30 pm, Warner 126 (platform).

The morning of Dec. 7, Student Life has arranged for free massages, cookies, hot chocolate, aromatherapy and stress balls in Warner, 10 am -1:30 pm.

LCS meeting tonight

Don’t forget to join LCS officers tonight (5:30 pm) in Warner 126 (platform) for the LCS meeting. I’ll be there to answer questions and get your opinion on study abroad options for next year: Cuba, Berlin, or Quebec?

Last Chance: May study abroad to England

Study Abroad BathLiterary Locations: Bath, Wessex and London, England

The English Department has extended its deadline for applications to its May study abroad in England. If you’re an English major or a fan of the novels of Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy or John Fowles, this is the trip for you. You will read the novels and then spend time in the resort town of Bath, Lyme Regis (familiar to fans of Austen’s Persuasion), the Wessex countryside, and finally, London.

Please note that students accepted to the program will need to attend the accompanying course on the Columbus campus (Tu/Th 12:45-2:05). If you’re very interested but cannot make the drive every Tu/Th, let me know and I’ll inquire about remote access options.

The campus and university offers numerous scholarships to cover the program fees associated with study abroad, and financial aid can be used as well. Details and information on scholarship opportunities for study abroad are here and in the program description: Lit Locations Info Sheet. Come see me if you have questions (245 Warner).

Greece – Introduction to Western Tradition and Contemporary Issues in Corfu, Greece

Study Abroad GreecePrefer something warmer? Regional campus students are given priority in this four-week course on the Greek island of Corfu. In some years, that means that very eligible regional campus student who applies will be accepted.

Students will to attend class and take part in organized excursions to museums and archaeological sites, such as ancient Dodona and Roman Nicopolis. On the return trip the group will spend two nights in Athens to provide an opportunity to explore the Acropolis.

Don’t be scared off by the program fee: There are many scholarship opportunities, and I can help walk you through them. Deadline is early January.

  • Tentative Dates: May 5 – May 31
  • Credits: History 2798 (3 hours, for GE credit)
  • Eligibility: 2.5 GPA
  • Priority to regional campus students
  • Cost: $5,141

Honors Scheduling & Updates

If you’re struggling mid-semester with some of your classes, you’re not alone. We’ve got resources to help you: free tutoring, free counseling, direct help from our learning skills specialist, and peer mentors (contact me or Dr Laura Younger, at younger.18, for a trained peer mentor). Your tuition pays for these resources: use them, and reach out to your professors during office hours. They want to help, and appreciate it when students come to them for advice.

A few scheduling notes:


Dr. Hughes

If you still need to take  English 1110, note that we’ve added an Honors section for spring: English 1110H with Dr Hughes, MW 9:35-10:55 am (class 33297).

You’ll to to have taken English 1110 or be taking it in the spring to be eligible for the Berlin study abroad program. Berlin app information is here and at Deadline: Nov. 1.

Other H courses in spring (Doc2) include: Anthropology 2202H, Classics 2202H, English 2261, Earth Sciences 1121H, Political Science 1100, Sociology 1101H, and Psychology 3340E (embedded).

  • Remember that if you’re a freshman or sophomore, any 4000-level course or above counts as Honors.  
  • Most majors (those in the Arts &  Sciences) expect students to take six Honors or upper-level courses by the end of the sophomore year (3 per year average).
  • If you’re a sophomore, that you’ll need to watch this space for information on the deadlines for completing an Honors contract in the spring. For information: ASC Honors Guides to the General Education Requirements.
  • Work with your advisor to make sure all your GE courses–including the non-Honors ones–are on the list of preferred choicess. A Newark-campus version of the guides to  Honors GEs is available too: Newark BA GE Guide, Newark BS GE Guide.


Below is my updated version of this week’s Honors update from the Arts & Sciences Honors advisors. Most of it is relevant to students at the regionals as well as in Columbus. I’ll post this newletter on my blog every week.


For more information about advising and/or the ASC Honors Program, see




  1. Last Day to Drop a Full Autumn Semester Course:  Friday, October 30, by 5pm

To drop a class before the deadline, contact Advising (1075 Founders); you won’t be able to drop it online.   You will have a “W” (for “withdrew”) on your  transcript.  Course drops after Friday, October 30, will require approval of a petition and documented extenuating circumstances.

2. Monday Weekly Walk-ins (Columbus campus)

Monday afternoon weekly walk-ins continue today (Monday, October 26) from 1:00pm to 4:00pm in 3180 Smith Lab.  Walk-in advising is designed to address quick or urgent questions.  As always, walk-ins are first-come, first-served, and will be limited to 10 minutes per person.  More involved questions should be addressed in an advising appointment (which you can make by calling (614) 292-5104 (choose option 1) or by visiting AdvisingConnect (

Remember:  If you have questions about your major or minor, you must talk with your departmental honors advisor.  See for departmental honors advisor contact information, or contact Linda Mathews or another advisor in Newark.

  1. Registering for Research Credit for Spring Semester

If you are planning to enroll in research credit hours for spring semester (including thesis research), you are encouraged to get it added to your schedule sooner rather than later.  Keep in mind that there is a $100 Late Course Add Fee assessed for any course (including research) added after the second week of a regular semester.  The Late Course Add Fee will be assessed if the course is not added by Friday, January 22, 2016. To register for research credit, have your principal investigator/faculty advisor sign a Course Enrollment Permission form ( and bring the signed form to the Advising office in Founders

4. Have an Approved Honors Contract?:  Keep It Up-to-Date!  Don’t Forget to Revise Your Honors Contract!

All changes to approved Honors Contracts must be approved by the ASC Honors Committee.  Changes that maintain or increase the strength of your program are routinely approved (i.e., honors courses substituted for honors courses; upper-level courses for upper-level courses; etc.).  Revisions to majors or minors must be signed by your departmental honors advisor:  GE changes only require a signature when they impact a major or minor.  Honors Contract Revision Forms should be submitted BEFORE you take a substitute course.  This will allow you to be certain that the change you are making will be approved. Honors Contract Revision Forms are available in the ASC Honors Office and at and  If you are adding a major or minor (or changing a major to a minor or vice versa) please submit a new Major/Minor Program Form instead of the Honors Contract Revision Form:

Spring 2016 graduates are encouraged to submit all revisions no later than Thanksgiving to ensure everything is in order for graduation.

  1. Applications for Autumn Semester 2015 Graduation Are Due by Friday, November 20 – Make an Appointment ASAP!
  • Details about the graduation application process and paperwork can be found at the ASC Honors web site:
  • You must make an appointment with  Advising to submit your graduation application.
  • All Honors Contract revisions must be approved before you can apply to graduate.  For best consideration, please submit your revisions by Monday, November 2.

 6. Spring 2016 Graduation Applications Are Due by Friday, March 4:  Beat the Rush and Apply Now!

  • Details about the graduation application process and paperwork can be found at the ASC Honors web site:
  • You must make an appointment with an Advisor to submit your graduation application (you may NOT apply to graduate during walk-ins or drop your application off at the desk).
  • All Honors Contract revisions must be approved before you can apply to graduate.  Spring 2016 graduates are encouraged to submit Honors Contract revisions by Thanksgiving.

To make an appointment with an ASC honors counselor, please schedule an appointment via AdvisingConnect ( or call the ASC Honors Office at 292-5104 (choose option 1).

Parading and Pralines this Thursday

DIMG_0406on’t miss the opening night this Thursday of famed New Orleans photographer Pableaux Johnson’s stunning photos of the Mardi Gras Indians (members of a century-old African American parading tradition). We’ll also screen Newark students’ moving documentary created from 2012 interviews with the legendary Mardi Gras Indian chiefs. Creative director Michael Yearling and the student filmmakers will join Johnson in a talk on the challenges of capturing street culture on film.

The exhibit opens Thursday, Oct 22, in LeFevre Gallery, at 7 pm. To make sure we have enough pralines and coffee, RSVP by commenting below or emailing Jen Anthony (anthony.212). Feel free to attend even if you forget to RSVP.

Full details here: 

LCS meeting Monday

Please join us Monday, Oct 5, in Warner 126 (Platform) for our next Laurel Collegiate Society meeting. If we get enough RSVPs we’ll order pizza (RSVP below and note if you have dietary restrictions).

Other updates: Deadline for applying for the  Berlin study abroad course is Nov. 1. Contact me for more information, or check out the program sheet at