As part of OSU’s ongoing relationship with the Royal Shakespeare Company (London, England), we invite you to a special performance of “Famous Victories of Henry V”—a kind of “best of” moments from the 3 plays that trace Henry’s life from callow playboy to warrior-king. Yes live, yes in Columbus, yes free, and we will even transport you there—IF you sign up by this Friday. CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up for the bus. This opportunity made possible by the English Department and Honors at Newark.
Study abroad opportunities: Apply by Jan. 15 to study abroad in May and take advantage of free tuition (up to three credits for May courses if you were full-time in the spring semester). Financial aid and scholarships can help cover the program fee (this is the additional amount charged to cover travel costs). See the earlier post for a list of all May programs with Jan. 15 deadline. I’ll write recommendations for any Honors or Honors-eligible student–so you don’t have to ask another professor on short notice. Take particular note of the Corfu, Greece program, which gives priority to regional campus students.