New Honors course, Berlin info sessions

If you need another credit, would like a chance to get to know other Honors students, or are interested in issues  of food and economic security, consider David  Ruderman’s just-added course for the second seven-week session of fall. ASC 1102H will focus on the common book, The Good Food Revolution: OSU ASCII

NOVEMBER 1 is the deadline to apply for the spring break 1-credit course that travels to  Berlin. For more information, check out or attend on of our two upcoming information sessions: This Friday, Sept. 4, at 11 am in Warner 175; same place next Thursday, Sept. 10, 12-1. OSU Berlin info sessions

You do not want to miss this opportunity for a very affordable trip to one of Europe’s most beautiful cities. NOTE: Deadline for applications is Nov 1 (not Oct 1 as some flyers and emails said)