LCS meeting today

Join the new LCS officers, access director Jen Anthony and myself in the Warner Platform (126) at 3:00 today to plan this year’s activities. We’ll have cookies on  hand and hold a drawing for a $10 gift card for coffee. We need your input and also don’t want to eat all those cookies ourselves.

If you haven’t already, please fill out this short survey to help us plan:

Scholarship opportunities

The deadline is Sept 21 for applying for the Undergraduate Research Scholarship (URS) and the International Research Grant for Undergraduates in the Arts and Sciences (for juniors in Honors):

The deadline for applications and project advisor recommendations is Monday, September 21, and selections will be made by late November.  The Honors Committee does not require that applicants be members of the Arts and Sciences Honors Program; however, the committee generally gives preference to students who are candidates for graduation with research distinction or with honors research distinction, because they have demonstrated the sort of academic ability and commitment which indicates the likelihood of success in completing a major research project.  If you have questions, contact the Arts and Sciences Honors Office at 614 292-5104.

A list of Arts & Sciences majors is here:


Honors Meeting Tonight

Join your peers at 6 pm tonight in Warner 126 (the platform space on the far side of the dining area) to discuss Honors plans for the year. I’ll be there to answer questions about Honors. There will be fabulous cookies in attendance.

It was a pleasure to see you all (some of you) at the cookout and duking it out at cornhole. I’m looking forward to getting to know you. Stop in anytime to see me in Warner 245, or shoot me or Jen Anthony an email: cope.38 and anthony.212.

Please take a moment as well to answer this survey to help your new officers plan events for the year:

New Honors course, Berlin info sessions

If you need another credit, would like a chance to get to know other Honors students, or are interested in issues  of food and economic security, consider David  Ruderman’s just-added course for the second seven-week session of fall. ASC 1102H will focus on the common book, The Good Food Revolution: OSU ASCII

NOVEMBER 1 is the deadline to apply for the spring break 1-credit course that travels to  Berlin. For more information, check out or attend on of our two upcoming information sessions: This Friday, Sept. 4, at 11 am in Warner 175; same place next Thursday, Sept. 10, 12-1. OSU Berlin info sessions

You do not want to miss this opportunity for a very affordable trip to one of Europe’s most beautiful cities. NOTE: Deadline for applications is Nov 1 (not Oct 1 as some flyers and emails said)