Sophomores: Time for Contracts

Honors contracts. Here is information from Meagan Toohey, the director of Honors Advisoring for Arts & Sciences. If you’re a sophomore, contact me (cope.38 or 366 9293) to discuss how to get started. Review this information first: 


In Arts and Sciences, the end of the second year of study is when we ask students to commit to the Honors Contract so that they can become candidates for graduation with honors in the Arts andSciences


For Arts and Sciences honors students transitioning to Columbus who want to continue with honors:

  1. Schedule an appointment with an ASC honors counselor in Columbus
  2. Discuss the Honors Contract and their plans for transition BEFORE you begin taking courses in Columbus
  3. If you are at the end of the second year, we can work with you on completing the Honors Contract form.
  4. Students can make an appointment by calling the ASC Honors Office at (614) 292-5104.

For Arts and Sciences honors students who are staying in Newark and want to continue with honors:

  1. Start by talking with Nancy Coscia (Newark campus; coscia.4 or 366-9333) or Linda Mathews (mathews.98 or 366 9333).  They might be able to help the students get started with completing the Honors Contract (  If necessary, the ASC Honors Office at Columbus for assistance.


  1. As part of the Honors Contract approval process, students will need to consult with the departmental honors advisors in Columbus about honors expectations for majors and minors:  (It may depend on the student’s major whether it will be possible for him or her to complete the honors major requirements entirely at Newark.)


  1. Once the student has completed the Honors Contract form, it will need to come to the ASC Honors Office in Columbus for review by the ASC Honors Faculty Committee (the form can be scanned and e-mailed to me for submission).


  1. Students who are pursuing the Honors Contract curriculum but who are staying in Newark are also always welcome to make an appointment (in person or phone appointment) with an ASC honors counselor in Columbus by calling (614) 292-5104.


For honors students who are not in Arts and Sciences:

  1. Contact the honors directors and/or advising offices for the relevant colleges here in Columbus to ascertain what the expectations for graduation with honors are for those colleges