Denman abstracts due tomorrow; other news

Doing research? Get yourself recognized by submitting to present at the Newark campus or Columbus campus student research forums. Deadeline for the Denman (in Columbus) is tomorrow. Not sure how to write an abstract? Nervous about presenting? Come see me or your professor. We’ll walk you through the process. Details:

Submit an abstract to the 20th Denman Undergraduate Research Forum! Ohio State undergraduate students conducting independent research, scholarship, and creative activity in all disciplines are invited to submit an abstract to the 20th Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. Please read the Call for Abstracts and Submission Guidelines for more information on eligibility and submitting an abstract. Abstract submission is open until Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 5:00pm. Questions can be directed to the Denman Coordinator at or 688-8093.

Student Research Forum (Newark)

11th Annual Student Research Forum Call for Abstracts

Deadline for Abstracts: February 13

This annual event is open to students of all disciplines conducting work under the direction of an Ohio State Newark faculty member or lecturer. The forum aims to increase collaborative, student-faculty research endeavors at the Newark Campus, to encourage participation in honors research, and to further the goals of the OSU Denman Undergraduate Research Forum and the OSU Undergraduate Research Office at the Newark Campus.

Abstract Submissions Must Include: A Title (please keep brief); Name of student presenter(s) and contact information; we will assume the first author is presenting unless you indicate otherwise; Name and department of faculty sponsor; Presentation category: 1. Proposal, Poster; 2. Completed Research, Poster; 3. Proposal, Oral; 4. Completed Research, Oral; A 300 word (max*) abstract that includes, as appropriate: 1. Background information/problem addressed; 2. Method/approach; 3. Results/predicted results. Abstracts should be submitted to Rob Cook at by Friday, February 13. Questions? Contact Nathaniel Swigger, Assistant Professor, Political Science at *Please note that abstracts that exceedsing 300 words will be edited due to space restrictions in the program.

Please nominate your favorite professor for the Teaching  Excellence Award. Application forms are outside my office (245 Warner) and posted around campus.  Email me and I’ll send you one.

Finally, if you’re a sophomore, it’s time to think about Honors contracts. Here is information from Meagan Toohey, the director of Honors Advisoring for Arts & Sciences. If you’re a sophomore, contact me (cope.38 or 366 9293) to discuss how to get started. Review this information first: 

 In Arts and Sciences, the end of the second year of study is when we ask students to commit to the Honors Contract so that they can become candidates for graduation with honors in the Arts andSciences    
1.  For Arts and Sciences honors students transitioning to Columbus who want to continue with honors:  Schedule an appointment with an ASC honors counselor in Columbus to discuss the Honors Contract and their plans for transition BEFORE you begin taking courses in Columbus.  This would allow us to get them started with the honors re-application process before you come to Columbus and advise you on course work, which should allow a more seamless transition.  If you are at the end of the second year, we can work with you on completing the Honors Contract form.  We are happy to meet with students in person or through a phone appointment.  Students can make an appointment by calling the ASC Honors Office at (614) 292-5104. 
2.  For Arts and Sciences honors students who are staying in Newark and want to continue with honors: Start by talking with Nancy Coscia (Newark campus; coscia.4 or 366-9333) or Linda Mathews (mathews.98 or 366 9333).  They might be able to help the students get started with completing the Honors Contract (  If necessary, the ASC Honors Office at Columbus for assistance.  As part of the Honors Contract approval process, students will need to consult with the departmental honors advisors in Columbus about honors expectations for majors and minors:  (It may depend on the student’s major whether it will be possible for him or her to complete the honors major requirements entirely at Newark.)  Once the student has completed the Honors Contract form, it will need to come to the ASC Honors Office in Columbus for review by the ASC Honors Faculty Committee (the form can be scanned and e-mailed to me for submission).  Students who are pursuing the Honors Contract curriculum but who are staying in Newark are also always welcome to make an appointment (in person or phone appointment) with an ASC honors counselor in Columbus by calling (614) 292-5104.
For honors students who are not in Arts and Sciences:  I would encourage you and/or the students to contact the honors directors and/or advising offices for the relevant colleges here in Columbus to ascertain what the expectations for graduation with honors are for those colleges.  There is a lot of variation in college honors requirements, and I am not sure how flexible or not-flexible other colleges may be.  The sooner students know what their options are, the better, I imagine.